Report,Agenda And Notes Writings After Attending Particular Meeting. Report,Agenda And Notes Writings After Attending Particular Meeting.
Instructions: You are to attend a city council meeting (or a community organization meeting) and at this meeting take notes on what is being discussed. By the due date, you will turn in these notes, a city council agenda, and a 4 page report discussing: 1) What meeting you attended, where and when it was located? 2) General information about the council. This should include the council member’s names, their term lengths, and who they represent (are there district elections or at large elections). 3) What happened at this meeting? Specifically, what issues (policy proposals) were discussed? 4) Do you think the decisions reached on these issues (policy proposals) were acceptable or unacceptable and why? Note, if they did not make any decisions on the issue, explain how you think they should decide and why. 5) What you took away from this experience? 6) Finally, throughout the paper you are expected to integrate at least 2 political science concepts into the discussion. You should be able to define the concept, and explain how/where you see this concept occurring within the meeting. Concepts can include, but are not limited to: politics, collective action problem, federalism, popular sovereignty, etc.). Structure of Paper Introductory paragraph/s What meeting you attended, where, and when it was located. General information about the council. Provide a general outline explaining what your paper will be doing. Body Paragraphs Conclusion Notes Tips Place your order now to enjoy great discounts on this or a similar topic. People choose us because we provide: Essays written from scratch, 100% original, Delivery within deadlines, Competitive prices and excellent quality, 24/7 customer support, Priority on their privacy, Unlimited free revisions upon request, and Plagiarism free work,
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Report,Agenda And Notes Writings After Attending Particular Meeting
Report,Agenda And Notes Writings After Attending Particular Meeting