Population and Service Need Report. Population and Service Need Report. In this report you need to write about
1- write an executive summary.
1- write about the demographic and socio-economic data for the Liverpool LGA.
2- Also you need to write about the health services in Liverpool.
3- And then you need to choose one topic area (for example, children, diabetic people) from the basic community profile to assess health needs based on the nominated topic. and you have to explain why you have chosen this group
4-You need to add some charts and graphics and tables to effectively display and communicate demographic issues.
5 -Use of report format with page numbering, an Executive Summary, a numbered contents page, matching section numbers in text, use of third person. -Useful links include: The Australian Bureau of Statistics – http://www.abs.gov.au Australian Institute of Health and Welfare – http://www.aihw.gov.au .
Table of Contents
Executive Summary (500 words) 3
Contents 3
Introduction 3
Demographic and Socio-Economic of Liverpool LGA 3
Health Services in Liverpool
Focusing group (the group you have chosen to write about it, and you have to explain why you have chosen this group) 8
Health Needs for the this group
Recommendations (it must be based on evidences ) 8
Conclusion 9
References (10 References required) 10
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