Personal Reflection Essay On Gender And Communication

Personal Reflection Essay On Gender And Communication.

Gender as expressed and experienced through a person’s life events.

Write a 2 page single-spaced paper that explains how you see yourself, another person, or members of an organization/institution with respect to gender.  Keep in mind that stronger papers will exceed the 600 word minimum requirement.  The grading rubric at the bottom of this page provides clarity for the expectations for this assignment.  

The paper should focus on gender as expressed and experienced through a person’s life events. You may discuss any or all of the following: family dynamics (i.e., birth order, family expectations, religious values,  other influential institutions, etc.), and culture (how a person learns to act as a gendered person), have formed a worldview (“…the way in which we perceive the world –and our behavior” Gamble & Gamble, 2003, p. 59) and ultimately influenced communication.  You are not required to write about your personal gender; you may choose to write about a family member, friend, religious figure, secular public figure, or member of a specific institution, industry, or organization. If you are unsure of your approach, feel free to e-mail your instructor for guidance. While there is no expectation that you reveal your own personal information, the intent of the paper is for you to write from a personal perspective, not solely from online references.  If a person described is not a publicly known figure, be sure to refer to them by a pseudonym. 

Submit: Assignment 1 – Personal Reflec!on Essay on Gender and Communica!on ~ Due Sunday, Week 1 (Jan 19, 2020) Instruc!ons Personal Reflec!on Essay on Gender and Communica!on (10%) Write a 1-2 page single-spaced paper (600-1,200 words) that explains how you see yourself, another person, or members of an organiza!on/ins!tu!on with respect to gender. Keep in mind that stronger papers will exceed the 600 word minimum requirement. The grading rubric at the bo”om of this page provides clarity for the expecta!ons for this assignment. The paper should focus on gender as expressed and experienced through a person’s life events. You may discuss any or all of the following: family dynamics (i.e., birth order, family expecta!ons, religious values, other influen!al ins!tu!ons, etc.), and culture (how a person learns to act as a gendered person), have formed a worldview (“…the way in which we perceive the world –and our behavior” Gamble & Gamble, 2003, p. 59) and ul!mately influenced communica!on. You are not required to write about your personal gender; you may choose to write about a family member, friend, religious figure, secular public figure, or member of a specific ins!tu!on, industry, or organiza!on. If you are unsure of your approach, feel free to e-mail your instructor for guidance. While there is no expecta!on that you reveal your own personal informa!on, the intent of the paper is for you to write from a personal perspec!ve, not solely from online references. If a person described is not a publicly known figure, be sure to refer to them by a pseudonym. You may include any or all of the following: your feelings about gender, how your (or the person’s) family or ins!tu!on in which they are a member views gender; the impact of peers (past and/or present) on gender development; how you or your subject has been privileged, marginalized (or neither) as a result of your/their gender; media influences on your/their gender; how your/their communica!on is influenced by gender; and any other relevant issues regarding gender. The theme of communica!on and gender should be woven throughout the paper. Submissions should provide ample explana!ons and be descrip!ve. Include references (APA format, in-text and reference list) as appropriate (e.g., the paper sources content about a public person or ins!tu!on). This paper will remain private between you and the instructor, unless content is included that is unlawful or suggests the possibility of harm to you or to others. You will not be asked to share its contents online or in a classroom. This is the ONLY paper this semester that may be wri”en from the first person (I, me, my, etc.). It is important to know the difference between sex and gender as you write your reflec!on. According to module one commentary: “Sex refers to a person’s biological or physiological makeup (Ivy & Blacklund, 2004), and it is determined primarily by one’s internal sexual organs and external genitalia (Wood, 2007). Sex is innate, not learned.” In contrast, gender is socially constructed and iden!fies what is considered feminine and masculine in a culture (Stewart et al., 2003). It is learned through observa!on and interac!on with others. Gender deals with how you are socialized to act in rela!on to your sex (Perry & Ballard-Reisch, 2004). Neuliep (2000) asserts that gender comprises behavioral, cultural, and psychological characteris!cs a”ached to a person’s sex.” Further Clarifica!on Introduc!on: A brief but crea!ve paragraph that introduces the topic. The paragraph begins with a memorable a”en!on-ge”er, provides a clearly stated purpose, and ends with an explicit preview of what your paper will cover. Body: Consists of 3-6 descrip!ve paragraphs that explicitly explores the role of gender in you, a selected person, or member of an organiza!on, and its effect on communica!on. Reveals how gender is expressed or experienced through life events, family dynamics (e.g., birth order, family expecta!ons, etc.), culture (how you/they learned to act as a male or a female), and/or worldview (“…the way in which we perceive the world –and our behavior” Gamble & Gamble, 2003, p.59) and how it has ul!mately influenced communica!on. If you choose to take an autobiographical approach to this paper, you may include any of the following: your feelings about gender, how your or other family sees gender, cultural influences on gender development, how you or other person(s) described have been privileged or marginalized as a result of your gender, how sexual orienta!on has influenced gender, how media influences on gender, how communica!on is influenced by gender, and any other relevant issues regarding gender (i.e. religion, worldview, etc.). Submissions should provide ample explana!ons and be descrip!ve. Breath of topics addressed regarding gender/communica!on is encouraged. Conclusion: a brief paragraph that gives closure to your reflec!on. Be sure to adhere to the following criteria: 600-1,200 words. The word count does not include !tle page, reference page/bibliography, etc. Keep in mind 600 words is the minimum and stronger papers will greatly exceed the minimum. If you have access to a word count feature on your so$ware program (Word –review tab), note the word count at the end of the paper. 12-point Times New Roman font. Space the document (without unnecessary spaces in the document -nothing should be doublespaced). One-inch margins on all sides. Title page contains only the !tle, student’s name, and UMUC. The !tle page is numbered page 1. American Psychological Associa!on (APA) format for cita!ons (both in-text and reference page) if cita!ons are provided. However, this par!cular assignment does NOT require outside sources unless wri!ng about a publicly known person, organiza!on or ins!tu!on. You may NOT use Wikipedia for this paper or any other assignments this semester. Submit the paper by the due date. Late work will result in a 20- point deduc!on. Late papers are only accepted 7 days a$er the due date. Grading Rubric Exemplary Accomplished Adequate Underdeveloped Introduc!on/ Format 14-15 points Offers an engaging, original introductory paragraph with a crea!ve a”en!on ge”er, a clear, well-wri”en purpose statement, and an explicit preview Fully adheres to format requirements (e.g., font, word count, spacing, 13-12 points Provides a sound introductory paragraph with a good a”en!on ge”er, a clear purpose statement, and a preview. Mostly adheres to format requirements (e.g., font, word count, spacing, !tle page, margins, proper APA 11-10 points Provides an adequate introductory paragraph with an a”en!on ge”er, a purpose statement, and a preview. One element of the preview may be inadequate. Somewhat adheres to format requirements (e.g., font, word count, spacing, 9-8 points The introduc!on lacks one or more of the following: an a”en!on ge”er, a purpose statement, and/or preview or all elements are provided, but they are not adequate. Frequently does not adhere to format requirements !tle page, margins, proper APA cita!ons if needed). cita!ons if needed). !tle page, margins, proper APA cita!ons if needed). (e.g., font, word count, spacing, !tle page, margins, proper APA cita!ons if needed). Body Content: Themes of Gender and Communica!on 30-27 points Eloquently and coherently weaves the themes of gender and communica!on throughout the submission 26-24 points Successfully weaves the themes of gender and communica!on throughout the submission. 23-21 points The themes of gender and communica!on are adequately addressed in your submission. 20-18 points The themes of gender and communica!on are not woven throughout the en!re submission. Body: Breadth and Depth of the Reflec!on & Use of Examples 40-36 points Addresses most of the the 35-32 points Addresses much of the 31-28 points Addresses some of the of the 27-24 points Addresses few of the following: following in a detailed, excellent manner: Your, or their feelings about gender, how your (or the person’s) family or ins!tu!on in which they are a member views gender; the impact of peers (past and/or present) on gender development; how you or your subject have been privileged, marginalized (or neither) as a result of your or their gender; media influences on your or their gender; how you or their following in a sa!sfactory manner: Your or their feelings about gender, how your (or the person’s) family or ins!tu!on in which they are a member views gender; the impact of peers (past and/or present) on gender development; how you or your subject have been privileged, marginalized (or neither) as a result of you or their gender; media influences on your or their gender; how following in an adequate but not overly descrip!ve manner: Your or their feelings about gender, how your (or the person’s) family or ins!tu!on in which they are a member views gender; the impact of peers (past and/or present) on gender development; how you or your subject have been privileged, marginalized (or neither) as a result of your or their gender; media influences on your or their gender; how Your or their feelings about gender, how your or the person’s family or ins!tu!on in which they are a member views gender; the impact of peers (past and/or present) on gender development; how you or your subject has been privileged, marginalized (or neither) as a result of your or their gender; media influences on your or their gender; how your or their communica!on is influenced by gender; and any other relevant issues regarding communica!on is influenced by gender; and any other relevant issues regarding gender. your or their communica!on is influenced by gender; and any other relevant issues regarding gender. your or their communica!on is influenced by gender; and any other relevant issues regarding gender. gender. However, examples were not specific to the author or other persons described, nor were not clearly relevant, and/or not sufficient to provide adequate support. Conclusion 5 points The conclusion (final paragraph) is insigh&ul and provides the reader with closure. 4 points The conclusion (final paragraph) is sound and provides the reader with closure. 3 points The conclusion is adequate and provides the reader with some closure. 2 points The conclusion is abrupt and does not provide closure. Wri!ng Abili!es/Style 10-9 points 8 points 7 points 6 points Submissions No submissions yet. Drag and drop to upload your assignment below. Very well – wri”en collete level paper, cap!vates the reader, and is insigh&ully introspec!ve. Has no errors. Well-wri”en college level paper, engages the reader, and is selfreflec!ve. May have 1-3 errors. Adequately wri”en, interests the reader, and demonstrates some selfreflec!on. May have 4-6 errors. Poorly wri”en, generates li”le interest for the reader, and demonstrates very limited self-reflec!on. May have 7-10 errors. ©2019 University of Maryland Global Campus

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Personal Reflection Essay On Gender And Communication

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