Partial Creative Brief

Partial Creative Brief. Partial Creative Brief. WRITE A PARTIAL BRIEF. State question and answer in a few words. Use short phrases, not complete sentences. Include the following:

1. Creative Strategy Statement

2. Explain the audience:

a. Demographics (Age, gender, income, education, profession)

b. Psychographics (with VALS)

c. Geographics (Urban, suburban, rural)

3. List the competitors to M&M’S

4. Answer what consumers currently think about M&M’S.

5. State what you want them to think about M&M’S (Must match the benefit in the Creative Strategy Statement).

6. Answer: “Why buy?” (The features in M&M’S (Must match support statement in the Creative Strategy Statement.)

7. Create a slogan (#7: big message)


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Partial Creative Brief

Partial Creative Brief

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