Neurological disorders in old age

Neurological disorders in old age. Neurological disorders in old age. required to submit a well-written 2-4 page essay (not including title page or references) on the specific topic in aging you identified at the end of Week 1. The purpose of this paper is to link historical and demographic trends to contemporary issues in gerontology. Your essay should rely on assigned class readings and some of the information you gathered as part of your bibliography assignment. Remember, you should always use in-text citations for information that you gathered from another source and include a reference list at the end of your essay. Use APA format for this assignment.
Your essay should address the following items:

Topic selected (brief description)
Historical background (e.g. When did this become an issue in aging? Why?)
Influence of demography on selected issue
Contemporary aspects of the topic (e.g. Why is this an important issue in aging now? )
Any items the Instructor may give you to cover


Neurological disorders in old age

Neurological disorders in old age

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