mechanism or product around your home. mechanism or product around your home. Apply methods of good document design to your paper, and ensure that you follow these guidelines.
1. Use the standard navigation methods of technical writing: title, headings, captions under the graphic, numbered steps for procedures, table numbers, page numbers, paragraph (1.5), and margins (approximately: top and bottom: 1″ and right and left: 1.5″).
2. Use numbered single spacing (1.5) for the instruction steps; use two spaces between paragraphs.
3. Use the readability standards of grammar: parallelisms, active voice, consistency, and so forth.
4. Use the term “you” to speak to instruct the reader—do not call them the user.
5. It can be a one-page document that has printing on both sides, or it can be longer.
6. Layout and content are important. Color is welcome.
7. Know your audience before your write.
8. Provide an introductory statement like a product overview, a parts list, or a welcome message.
Find a mechanism or product around your home and write instructions on how-to install or operate that item. If you are unable to do this, write instructions on how-to cook, plant, or fix something. I would like to see at least one graphic in your document. This can be a drawing, a photo, other graphic, or a table. Refer to Chapter 9 in the Pearsall textbook for guidance. On pages 127, the sink repair is a good example of what I’d like to see. Notice how most of the sentences start with “connect” or a prepositional phrase followed by connect. In technical writing, we do not look for new words to describe the same thing. Wording consistency is paramount; therefore, use parallels and consistent terminology for this assignment. This work is supposed to be original. Do NOT copy someone’s work.
Apply methods of good document design to your paper, and ensure that you follow these guidelines.
1. Use the standard navigation methods of technical writing: title, headings, captions under the graphic, numbered steps for procedures, table numbers, page numbers, paragraph (1.5), and margins (approximately: top and bottom: 1″ and right and left: 1.5″).
2. Use numbered single spacing (1.5) for the instruction steps; use two spaces between paragraphs.
3. Use the readability standards of grammar: parallelisms, active voice, consistency, and so forth.
4. Use the term “you” to speak to instruct the reader—do not call them the user.
5. It can be a one-page document that has printing on both sides, or it can be longer.
6. Layout and content are important. Color is welcome.
7. Know your audience before your write.
8. Provide an introductory statement like a product overview, a parts list, or a welcome message.
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