Matte liquid lipsticks by colourpop cosmetics

Matte liquid lipsticks by colourpop cosmetics. Matte liquid lipsticks by colourpop cosmetics. Here’s what you need to know about the product we chose : The product we have chosen is the matte liquid lipsticks by ColourPop Cosmetics. ColourPop Cosmetics is a beauty brand that sells matte lipsticks for only six dollars. We selected this product because we do not believe that this brand has been marketed to its full potential. Nowadays, established beauty brands have found popularity on social media among beauty vloggers and Instagrammers, and subsequently the millions of people when follow their every move. If ColourPop advertised their products better, more people would be willing to buy them for their cheap cost and good quality. One of ColourPop’s primary competitors we believe is Kylie Cosmetics, a beauty line created by reality TV star Kylie Jenner. Her matte liquid lipsticks are seventeen dollars and are known to dry out people’s lips; yet, they still seem to sell out each time they are back in stock. Colourpop Cosmetics currently employs a marketing orientation where supply is greater than demand and they try to understand what their customers want or need by offering free shipping and free products when you spend a certain amount of money. The problem with this orientation is that their product is known as a cheap brand and many people do not want to be associated with using such products. If they were more societal orientation focused, their prices would go up a little and people would be willing to spend more to help out others in need. The founders of Colourpop Cosmetics, Laura and John Nelson decide to market their beauty brand specifically via social media to a primarily millennial audience. Their marketing management philosophy for now is to use social media as their main form of communication. For instance, Vlogger Coffee Break With Dani and Kathleen Lights were early adopters who talked about the brand on their channels. But this marketing strategy made Colourpop Cosmetics become those so-called Insta-famous beauty brands. A brand launching solely via social media is still a very new phenomenon and the downsides that come with that the medium makes users think they are getting to know the person or entity they are following, but it is really just a tightly controlled image and facade.
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Matte liquid lipsticks by colourpop cosmetics

Matte liquid lipsticks by colourpop cosmetics

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