Heat Transfer Analysis

Heat Transfer Analysis. Heat Transfer Analysis.

Marking Criteria Max Grade Marks Rationale
Knowledge and understanding 25 18-25 (1st)   Demonstrated substantial understanding of and responds appropriately and insightfully to the topic.


  Good level of understanding of the topic demonstrated, but without the depth of knowledge shown by the first class student.


  General level of understanding of the topic areas demonstrated but some evidence of minor mis-conception and gap in certain areas.


  Limited understanding of the topic area. Frequent factual or other errors.


  Inadequate knowledge and understanding demonstrated with substantial mis-match between topic and content.
Analytical content 40 28-40 (1st)   Demonstrates a very good analytical treatment of the design, resulting in a clear synthesis.


  A good analytical treatment of the design which is logically explained but without the depth shown by the first class student.


  Evidence of analytical treatment, but the results may not be well discussed. May contain minor errors in the calculation that are not critical.


  Largely descriptive with little evidence of analytical argument. Analysis may be flawed in some areas.


  A content offering inadequate and often inaccurate description of the design objectives.
Argument and


20 14-20 (1st)   The main themes and issues are clearly identified. Argument is coherent and logical. Evidence of critical discussion.


  The report is well organised and material mostly well used. Argument is coherent and logical.


  The report is well structured though there may be lapses in places.


  The report has a discernable structure but some sections may lack coherence and/or direction.


  Disorganised and lacks a logical structure.
Conclusions 15 11-15 (1st)   Provide final perspective with reference to aims and objectives and significance of the results from evaluation of the design.


  Provides appropriate final perspective but without the depth shown by the first class student.


  Provides a general summary that relates clearly to the topic.


  Provides a summary but strays from the main topic.


  Conclusion is absent or irrelevant to the topic and / or introduces new material.
Total Mark:    



  1. Considering the various important physical and thermal properties of thermal insulation materials, discuss how these would influence material selection and implementation for two different engineering applications.


  1. During a plant visit, you notice that the outer surface of a cylindrical curing oven is very hot, and your measurements indicate that the average temperature of the exposed surface of the oven is 85°C when the surrounding air temperature is 25° You suggest to the plant manager that the oven should be insulated, but the manager does not think it is worth the expense. Then you propose to the manager to pay for the insulation yourself if he lets you keep the savings from the fuel bill for one year. That is, if the fuel bill is $5000/yr before insulation and drops to $2000/yr after insulation, you will get paid $3000. The manager agrees since he has nothing to lose, and a lot to gain. Is this a smart bet on your part? The oven is 4 m long and 3 m in diameter. The plant operates 15 h a day 365 days a year. The insulation to be used is fiberglass (kins = 0.15 W/m/°C, assumed constant), whose cost is $2.5/m2 per centimeter of thickness for materials, plus $20.0/m2 for labour regardless of thickness, where the area is based on the exposed surface area of the oven (As = 2Abase + Aside). The convective heat transfer coefficient on the outer surface is estimated to be ho = 20.0 W/m2/K. The oven uses natural gas, whose unit cost is $8.0/GJ input, and the efficiency of the oven is 80 percent. Ignoring radiation heat loss from the outer surface, determine
    • how much money you will make out of this venture, by installing one inch (1 inch = 2.54 cm) of insulation, if any, and
    • the thickness of insulation (to nearest inches) that will maximise your earnings.


The surfaces of the cylindrical oven can be treated as plain surfaces in your analysis.


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Heat Transfer Analysis

Heat Transfer Analysis

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