Hawaii & the Pacific Islands, and the future of North America.

Hawaii & the Pacific Islands, and the future of North America.. Hawaii & the Pacific Islands, and the future of North America.. Chapters 17, 18, and 19

a) Present the physical, cultural, economic and social geography of the "Far North," Hawaii & the Pacific Islands, and the future of North America, as a whole.

b)The authors of your text make an argument that California should stand as a separate region of the United States and Canada, despite the vast differences between southern and northern California. Do you agree?

c) Should northern California more appropriately be connected with the Pacific Northwest?

d) Why do you believe California has had such a hold on the American imagination?

j) To what extent does the picture of California as painted by the media differ from that presented in the text?

h) The Pacific Northwest region is clearly linked with the economies and culture of the Pacific Rim.

d) How is the Pacific Northwest like other North American regions? How is it distinctive?


Required Textbook:
Title: The Geography of North America: Environment, Political Economy and Culture, 2nd edition (2012)
Authors: Susan Hardwick, Fred Shelley, and Donald Holtgrieve
Publisher: Pearson/Prentice-Hall
ISBN: 9780321769671

What did you learn about each region? What accounts for the differing perceptions of these two regions? What particular information intrigued you and would you like to know more about? Those of you who have traveled or lived in that region should comment on their perceptions. Do they match those presented in the text?


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Hawaii & the Pacific Islands, and the future of North America.

Hawaii & the Pacific Islands, and the future of North America.

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