Getty museum

Getty museum. Getty museum.

Typed in Times New Roman font, 12 point, in black, double-spaced with numbered pages and standard margins. I expect CHICAGO STYLE FOOTNOTES for all information cited, as well as a CHICAGO STYLE bibliography. If you do not know how to do this, there are many examples and websites online, just search “Chicago style footnotes” and “Chicago style bibliography” on Google. Correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation are expected. A paper requiring that you visit either the Getty Center,paper must be AT LEAST four pages long (any less than 3.5 pages and you will receive a zero for the assignment). You need a cover page, page numbers, a bibliography and an illustrations page (when needed). See Requirements for All Written Assignments (above) for the strict writing guidelines to adhere to for this assignment. Since this course is about history, you need to provide at least THREE sources for the outside information in your paper’s bibliography, in the form of peer-reviewed journals and scholarly books. Your text DOES NOT count as one of these three sources, although you may use it and list it in your bibliography. Of course, you should have more than three sources. text book name Art & Mass Media by Betty Ann Brown, Ph.D., please see more instructions in the uploaded flies and a paper sample is uploaded as well a picture of the art work is uploaded too with its descriptionp(5)

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Getty museum

Getty museum

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