Gender specific vs gender neutral toys, and the companies tactics

Gender specific vs gender neutral toys, and the companies tactics. Gender specific vs gender neutral toys, and the companies tactics.

Main Objective: How do we account for toys marketed for children, when cultural tendencies conformed to an unnatural idea of gender-specific toys?
Idea 1: What are the impacts of gender specific toys on children? How does it reflect their future gender/sexual identity when they grow up? How do toys affect children’s views on rooted societal gender roles? What are the differences between male toys vs female toys. What are the statistics of boys and girls who play with their gender-specific toys or the opposite gender toys? Do children notice the gender stereotypes reflected in toys?
Idea 2: Why have companies stuck to gender specific marketing tactics? How have specific companies targeted children based on gender differences? Did marketing scheme influence the roles of gender in society or did society influence marketing? Will companies succeed more if they advertise gender-neutral toys? How often are companies addressed about stereotypical gender toys? How do parents react to gender specific toys vs gender neutral toys advertised?
Idea 3: How do children react to gender neutral toys? Does it have any adverse or beneficial effects on the development of a childs sexual identity? Can gender neutral toys break the societal foundation of gender roles? Out of all the toy companies, how many of them sell or even advertise gender neutral products. Which company is the largest producer of gender neutral toys? What constitutes a gender neutral toys, what changes were made?
Idea 4: How do the 3 ideas above relate to the work of the following four authors: Michel Foucault, John D Emilo, Judith Butler, and Simone de Beauvoir.

6 resources
3 empirical knowledge
3 political/social impactsp(13)

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Gender specific vs gender neutral toys, and the companies tactics

Gender specific vs gender neutral toys, and the companies tactics

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