
Fossil. Fossil. Using the directions posted after the chapter introduction complete the Name that Fossil assignment.

You will be turning in the contents of Chart 1 – your measurements for each skull (ALL of the known types, Mystery skulls # 1 and 2, and the New skull) and your Lab Report for the two mystery skulls and one newly found skull assigned to your last name.

You can submit the Chart 1 data in a chart, as a list of ratios by the type of hominin or some other creative presentation – I really ONLY care that you provide the data!

On your lab report please be sure to discuss your index ratios and what they mean in regards to cranial morphology AND identify 3 or more physical characteristics that support your numerical identification in categorizing your new or mystery skull as a particular hominid; this information is mandatory and why the face of each skull is included with the profile. I give an example for how to discuss a ratio and how to discuss a trait in the directions – the examples are highlighted in yellow.

If you DO NOT include at least 3 characteristics and a discussion of the ratios, your lab report will not be considered complete and you will be marked down. Examples of supporting traits could include: discussion of flaring cheek bones, large molars, a sagital crest, etc. Do keep in mind that some of the skulls would be much larger than others – the skulls are NOT to scale. They have all been reproduced at about the same size for purposes of this assignment, which I know is misleading. So, if you say a specimen has "flaring zygomatic arches (cheek bones)" please be sure to say in comparison to (insert which ever type or types of human fossil you are comparing the cheek bones to. Also, please be sure to use the cranial traits (sagital crest, zygomatic arches, supraorbital torus, etc.) discussed in our text. I want to see you use class vocabulary.

If you need assistance, please email me and/or check out the PowerPoint I have posted about line and dot placement. I’ll do my best to explain further.

Please use complete sentences, good spelling, etc. Give me detail and be thorough!

This assignment is NOT hard, but it is fiddly – you need to take your time drawing and measuring the lines.

Approximate point breakdown (I have given slightly more or less depending upon whether or not the assignment is complete):

10 points for the contents of the chart (all known skulls and the new/mystery skulls)
25 points for report (about 8 points per mystery/new skull)


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