Flood forecasting by using a model

Flood forecasting by using a model. Flood forecasting by using a model. 1) Abstract: 300 words: mentioning a summary of: problem, proposed solution, results, and conclusion (1 page)
2) Introduction: 1 pages: mentioning the problem statement, objectives of the work done (2-3 objectives), the use of citations is important when stating the problem. (including one graph or chart)
3) Background: 3 pages: a well written and properly referenced account for the following topics: a) About the model, b) its applications, limitations, advantages, etc., c) a concluding paragraph of how you intend to use it in the project.
4) Methods and Results: 3 pages: a well written explanation supported with illustrations (table and figures) to account for the following: a) what you did ? how you used the model? Where did you get the data? What did you change in the data? b) results from the model runs grouped in a proper form with 1 or 2 paragraphs of comment.
5) Discussion and conclusion: 1 pages: a well written commentary on you results, you may include some references, you have to refer to the study objectives, provide a couple of points as conclusions, and two more as recommendations for further study.
6) References: 10 proper references (i.e. journal articles) Avoid “copying and pasting” as much as possible, read, digest then rewrite In your presentations you have to open the model and show me one of the runs that you used.

NOTE: The software should be open access.
-font size 12, Times new roman.


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Flood forecasting by using a model

Flood forecasting by using a model

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