Festive groceries Marketing plan. Festive groceries Marketing plan. Product innovation and marketing are the only enduring competitive advantages that companies can use to survive and thrive in the marketplace. In the next seven weeks, you are going to participate in designing and writing a marketing plan for a business, product, or service of your choosing. Your active participation in this project is essential to building your understanding of marketing. Also, you can use a well-written marketing plan to show prospective employers a sample of your work or pitch your idea to investors who may be interested in your venture.
A marketing plan is a guide for the marketing activities of an organization for a specified period of time, typically about 5 years. The plan can be used internally to guide the marketing activities or it can be used to communicate with external audiences to raise capital. There are important questions to keep in mind as you design your plan.
Is the marketing idea valid?
What is unique or distinctive about the product or service that separates it from substitutes and competitors?
Does a viable market exist for the product or service?
Is the target market large enough, accessible, and capable of purchasing your product or service?
Are the financial projections sound?
Is the management team competent?
How will the investors get their money back with a return on their investments?
Submit your completed Marketing Plan. It should include all sections listed in the marketing plan outline. It should include headings for the various sections of the marketing plan. APA format should be used, and three references are required. Be sure to list all references that you consult (both print media and online).
(Content is 70%) Quality work will have significant scope and depth of research to support any statements. Relevant illustration or examples are encouraged. Quality work will cover all the sections included in the marketing plan outline. The content presented must demonstrate an understanding of the material.
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