“Evidence-Based” Program – Tai Chi: Moving for Better Balance. “Evidence-Based” Program – Tai Chi: Moving for Better Balance. Goal: Prepare a 5-page paper exploring a specific “evidence-based” program (EBP) for improving the health and wellness of older adults.
To Get Started: See the National Council on Aging (NCOA) directory (uploaded document) for a detailed roster of several endorsed evidence-based programs. To get a better idea of what evidence is needed to carry out a program, also, see the YouTube presentation by Lindsey Myers at the Colorado Department Public Health and Environment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sIXrvGcJqY
Each of these should be addressed. Please describe in as much detail as possible.
1. Program Description and Intervention: What is the program called? As a “proven” program, what methods, activities, and resources are needed to implement it? Has it been “replicated” and used in other places.
Most of this information can be found in the NCOA directory, but you still need to find published source that explains the program.
2. Problem and Evidence: What health problem does the program exist to address? What is the extent and impact of this problem on older adults?
This requires public health or epidemiological data on how many people are affected (e.g. prevalence rates) and whether it is increasing or decreasing in the population (e.g. incidence rates). You also need to describe the risk factors that contribute to this problem, since those are the things that programs often seek to reduce or eliminate.
3. Proof and Evaluation: How do we know that this problem actually works? How was the program tested? How was it evaluated?
What evidence was gathered to prove that it was effective? You also need to present any proven benefits of the program for the participants. This is usually proven by comparing the participants to another group of people who don’t get to participate (i.e. a “control group”). You should also especially look for pre-post data showing how much participants changed (or improved).
Electronic sources are fine. These might be especially for part 1 of the paper. But, you must cite them properly. I would like to see at least 5 resources and references.
Proper APA style for citations and references is required. This also includes proper use of quotation marks (for direct quotes), and parenthetical notation (for paraphrasing).
Note these things are very essential for the grading of my paper, so therefore they must be properly done: lack of formatted references, lack of proper APA in-text citations, and any missing references. Please do your best to address each of the three sections above.
My area of interest is Tai Ji for preventing falls. Please look at the links below to get familiar with what exists and what is being funded.
NCOA Title-3 Highest Tier Evidence-Based Programs
NCOA Evidence-Based Programs (Center for Healthy Aging)
National Council on Aging (NCOA): Center for Healthy Aging
Chronic Disease Self-Management Programs
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs http://www.nrepp.samhsa.gov/ViewAll.aspx
Administration for Community Living:
Center for Disability and Aging Policy (CDAP)
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“Evidence-Based” Program – Tai Chi: Moving for Better Balance
“Evidence-Based” Program – Tai Chi: Moving for Better Balance