Evaluating District Transition Services – Running Project Part Two Evaluating District Transition Services – Running Project Part Two. Evaluating District Transition Services – Running Project Part Two Evaluating District Transition Services – Running Project Part Two. Instructions:
For this assignment, you will find, read, and summarize three high-quality articles from peer-reviewed journals and two websites for the domain related to the most critical area of need in the district you evaluated (identified in Running Project 1). Your final assignment will include summaries of these 5 articles/websites. You should be careful and deliberate in your search. Rather than settle on the first article you find related to your topic, look for articles and websites that can help you to address some of the weaknesses in your own school system. For example, if you select “Student Involvement” as your domain, you should find an article that relates to transition-age youth and transition planning. You would not earn full points for reviewing an article about self-advocacy in elementary school. To earn full points, at least one of your research articles and at least one website should address a diversity issue. For example, if your area of focus is family involvement in transition, one of your articles should discuss culturally diverse family involvement in transition. For a website example, you could search for a website that addresses diversity for families who have children with disabilities.
There are several avenues for identifying articles and websites for your project. First, you can check the readings and additional resources from class related to the topic you have selected. Be sure to consider recent articles; do not go back beyond the year 2000.
To get started, go to Google Scholar (Links to an external site.). If you are not familiar with this, get familiar with it! Search for some suggested journals: Career Development for Exceptional Individuals (this journal is the leading journal for transition), Exceptional Children, Journal of Special Education and Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, Journal of Learning Disabilities, Journal of Special Education and other professional journals with which you may be familiar. You can browse these journals by each edition and look at the table of contents for titles pertaining to your topic. This is a great way to identify current articles related to your topic.
You may check the resources sections of the different topics covered in class to assist with finding websites. It is expected that you will use the American Psychological Association’s rules for citing references in APA style, using the APA Style Publication Manual (6th Edition). There are several excellent websites that provide good information about APA style. Both your research articles and your websites must be listed using APA format (6th edition).
Please include the following information in your report. Use the headers listed as your major headers, as this will ensure you include all the critical information.
1. Brief description of the domain you have selected and a rationale. This is based on the results of your Quality Indicators results from Project 1. Be sure to reference your Quality Indicator results in your rationale.
2. Literature Review Table. For each of the research articles you review, you will fill in a row of a literature review table (template on page 3). The headings are as follows (see sample on next page):
a. APA Citation of the Article
b. Research Purpose
c. Key Findings
3. Website Abstracts. For each of the websites, you create an abstract that includes the following information:
a. APA Citation of the Website
b. Website description (e.g. target audience, focus, description of resources and links)
4. Summary of Findings. Provide a brief (two to three paragraphs) summary of your findings and describe how this information might impact or influence your practice. Your summary should address the following:
a. For the articles:
i. What did you learn that was new?
ii. What were common findings across all three articles?
b. For the websites:
i. What did you like about these websites?
ii. How does the information relate to your priority transition domain?
c. For the overall summary, describe how you will use the information you learned and apply it to your practice and/or make programmatic changes.
Please save your work as one document that includes your rationale, literature review table, your website abstracts, and your summary of findings within this assignment.
• To view the detailed rubric showing how you will be assessed is listed on uploaded word document pages 4-8.
• To access the literature review table template is listed on uploaded word document page 3.
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