Essay #4: Globalization, Consumerism, and Labor in Disney’s Happiest Place on Earth

Essay #4: Globalization, Consumerism, and Labor in Disney’s Happiest Place on Earth. Essay #4: Globalization, Consumerism, and Labor in Disney’s Happiest Place on Earth. Essay #4: Globalization, Consumerism, and Labor in Disney’s Happiest Place on Earth
English 1A: Freshman Composition

Below is the instruction for essay #4, but i want to turn it into a research paper of 13-15 pages. still follow the style of the sample paper attached the difference is that this is longer. Please use MLA and ensure that the page numbers are correct so i can use it for my note cards.

The Essay
In an essay of at least 1,000 words address the business side of Disney. Perhaps one unifying idea for the following possibilities is a conflict between Disney’s image and Disney’s business practices. Does a successful business model necessarily conflict with the idea that Disneyland is the happiest place on earth? Consider the following categories for this paper, but focus narrowly on one specific issue. Please make sure you state the thesis at the end of the Introduction, use signal phrases to introduce quotes and make sure to put the correct page number of source sited.

• Evaluate the argument Jane Kuenz forwards in her article “Working at the Rat.” Here, you should begin by summarizing her point and say to what extent her representation is accurate about Disney labor? Discuss this in light of additional examples. What counter experiences might you offer? Consider the role of anecdotal evidence in her and your argument. Are these anecdotes representative of the norm?
• Does the dominance of the Disney corporation—many characterize it as an empire—contribute to a vibrant media overall? What is the impact of continued movement toward monopoly in the US media?
o You might also consider the impact of media monopoly on segments of American society, including family relationships. To what extent are relationships branded?
o One characteristic of Empire is the decimation of other cultures. You might consider the global distribution of Disney products over film, television, radio and its threat to other cultural products. What happens to traditional cultures when more and more people watch programming from fewer and fewer outlets? To what extent does the Disney empire mean greater global cultural homogeneity?

• What is it like to be a cast member working at the parks or entertainment production? How does Disney treat its work force? How does this fit into the Disney Brand?

• Who makes Disney merchandise? What is Disney’s proximity to sweatshop labor? And what impact does this have on the company’s image, philosophy, and brand?

• The recent film Frozen is co-directed and co-produced by women. What is significant about this? This question is a specific iteration of a much broader concern over gender, race, and cultural issues in Disney’s employment practices. How progressive is Disney as an employer? You may consider, for instance, lawsuits over Disney’s rejection of the Muslim hijab.
• Your audience includes, but is not limited to, the students in this class. You, therefore, cannot assume those reading your essay are already familiar with the authors, the reading, the issues, or other material with which this class is acquainted.
• Your audience is a mixed group of college students and academic professionals of mixed political and religious belief, disparate cultural values, and varied levels of expertise.
• Some members of your audience may already agree with you, but many disagree, and still others may be undecided or perhaps have never considered the issue. Because of this degree of diversity you should not assume your audience already thinks what you think, and it is thus your obligation to address those who happen to disagree with you. Your object is to change their minds, to persuade them to accept your conclusions.
• Argument will use both expository and argumentative modes of writing: to some extent you will inform them of the issue and to some extent direct their thought (argument) or tell them what to think about the facts—what the facts mean. Some conclusions are indeed better than others.
• They may not be familiar with the authors you are using for support or are responding to, but they do respect and endorse the academic community as, although not infallible, still a valuable institution for developing critical ideas and intellectual tools to understand reality (the outside world) and the experience of being human.

Works Cited and Other Details
• All sources must be listed in a Works Cited page, which should appear correctly paginated as the last page of your essay, though not contributing to the assigned page minimum or word count. Produce this page in the same computer document as the rest of your paper.
• Essays that do not engage the required reading for the class in a meaningful way will receive a failing grade. (Important: please use sources like “The Mouse that Roared by Henry A. Giroux and Grace Pollock (chap 5) and the Article “Working at the Rat” by Jane Kuenz.
• Do not use Wikipedia, or any other encyclopedia, as a source for anything you write for this class.
• Sources must be academic and trustworthy.
• Print your final copy on clean paper. Whereas the paper itself may be produced from recycled pulp, the sheets themselves must not be recycled from other printed material—in other words, no printed material on the paper other than your essay.
• Use 12 point, Times New Roman font. Double space between lines, no more and no less. Do not increase space between letters or words. Do not increase space before or after paragraphs. Align your text on the left margin. For further details, see the MLA explanation in your handbook.
• Assemble all parts of your writing in a packet, stapled. This should include the following elements in descending order: final draft, rough draft, peer review, and other supporting documents when relevant.


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Essay #4: Globalization, Consumerism, and Labor in Disney’s Happiest Place on Earth

Essay #4: Globalization, Consumerism, and Labor in Disney’s Happiest Place on Earth

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