Comparing Early Jazz To Snarky Puppy

Comparing Early Jazz To Snarky Puppy. Comparing Early Jazz To Snarky Puppy. Order instructions
CONTEXT: Identifying what the face of jazz music is today in comparison with jazz between 1925 and 1955. Listen to Snarky Puppy:

How to Make Music for Both Brain and Booty  on NPR’s Jazz Night in America. Take notes on the instructional commentary given before and after each of the selections.

Using music terms, identify five (5) characteristics about the music, the techniques used to create it, the instruments, or musicians that you find remarkable, notable, amazing, unique, unusual or even bizarre.

How does Snarky Puppy’s music compare to the jazz works you have studied to date? Use specific titles, names of musician’s, styles to focus your comparison.

Close with your overall impression of Snarky Puppy’s music but select the one tune that appealed the most (“spoke”) to you and state why it did.

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Comparing Early Jazz To Snarky Puppy

Comparing Early Jazz To Snarky Puppy

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