proposal for a quality Improvement/Change Intervention for a Healthcare Organization. proposal for a quality Improvement/Change Intervention for a Healthcare Organization.
Prepare an evidenced based proposal for a quality improvement/change intervention to be implemented in YOUR OWN HEALTHCARE ORGANISATION using the following headings:
- Introduction
[Brief background to quality improvement/change interventions, introduction to your subject matter and the contents of your assignment (“signpost”). Reference to the evidence-base will be useful…]
- The importance of evaluation, research and measurement
[A critical, evidence-based discussion investigating the importance of evaluation, measurement and research in managing healthcare and/or quality and safety in healthcare.]
- Problem description (This part should be short)
[Nature and significance of the local, organizational problem – this could be meaningful disruption, failure, inadequacy, distress, confusion or other dysfunction in your organisation that adversely affects patients, staff or the system as a whole, or that prevents care from reaching its full potential. Reference to the evidence-base will be useful…]
- Available knowledge (The part should be long)
[Summary of what is currently known about the problem, including relevant previous studies – this is a critical discussion of the evidence-base in the quality improvement/change intervention area (literature review!). Remember to identify and critique conflicting evidence and draw appropriate conclusions.]
- Rationale and context (This part should be short)
[An explanation of why you have chosen the quality improvement/change intervention, why it will work and why it is both sustainable and replicable. The context is the physical, social and cultural factors that “makes” your organization what it is (e.g. external environmental factors, organizational dynamics, team work/collaboration, resources and leadership) and your interpretation of these factors that could affect the effectiveness and general is ability of intervention. Reference to the evidence-base will be useful…]
As per the guidance in our assignment descriptor, under this heading you need to provide an evidence-based explanation of why you have chosen this particular improvement/change, why it will work, why any gains for your organization will be sustained and why it could be repeated. The context then is specifically the physical, social and cultural factors that “makes” your organization what it is and the way it is (that is a description of your organization to assist your readers in understanding about your organization as well as supporting the rationale you have provided). My sense is that this will be a couple of paragraphs, critically written and appropriately integrated (not just a description!).
- Objectives for the proposed quality improvement/change intervention (should be short)
[How you will achieve the proposed quality improvement/change intervention – S.M.A.R.T. statements defining measurable outcomes. These can be “listed” in your assignment. Reference to the evidence-base will be useful…]
These objectives can be simply “listed” in your assignment without supporting explanation, however ensuring that are “grounded” in the evidence-based is highly recommended. This means providing objectives which have been developed from, or built on, your research of the published literature on improvement/change projects that are the same or similar to your proposed project. Don’t forget as well that whenever you do use the evidence-base you should always provide in-text citations and corresponding references in your reference list which fully meet requirements for referencing (both use and format). Additionally you may place your objectives under this heading in a table (remembering that words used in a table, diagram, figure, etc. is not included in your assignment word count) – please though ensure if you do use a table that you title and reference it as well as refer to it from the narrative of your assignment (for example a simple sentence such as, “Please refer to Table 6.1 for the objectives of the quality improvement/change intervention proposed in this document” works).
- Study, measures and evaluation for the proposed quality improvement/change intervention (Should be the big part of the proposal)
- In this part the 2 or one type of heath care evaluation designs (model) should be used to solve the problem & meet the objectives, & please put the evaluation model of diagram.
- Type of Evaluation should be used
- 6 criteria method for evaluating healthcare program should be used .
- In this part a 7 steps to measurement should be used
- In this part a type of design research should be used Which method of research was used.
[Approach chosen for critically analyzing and assessing the impact of the quality improvement/change intervention, including your approach to ensure the outcomes will be due to the intervention. This should include the measures chosen for studying the processes and outcomes of the intervention, including the rationale for choosing them, operational definitions, validity and reliability, approach to ongoing assessment and methods to ensure the completeness and accuracy of data collected. Reference to the evidence-base will be useful…]
Heading 7 is your opportunity to propose a critically devised, evidence-based evaluation approach (strategy) for the critical analysis and assessment of the impact (outcome) and aspects of structure and process of the change/improvement intervention proposed in the document – including how it can be proved that any positive impacts are actually a result of the change/improvement intervention and not something else. The evaluation approach (strategy), types of and use of measures, rationale for choosing, assurance of reliability and validity of data collection and analysis, proposed on-going evaluation post-implementation, etc. are completely down to you and your proposed change/improvement and the very best will be solidly “grounded” in the critical guidance and insight from the evidence-base. I cannot guide you with specific evaluation approaches, measures, etc. for any proposed intervention, you will need to do the explore the literature yourself and ensure it is aligned to your change or improvement intervention. A good starting point though can be a review of the various types of evaluation models you reviewed during your in-class component with Prof. Jane (based on the work of John Øvretveit …), how one or more of those models could be used in the writer’s proposal, individually, integrated, etc
- Ethical considerations (Short part)
[Any ethical aspects of implementing and studying the proposed quality improvement/change intervention and how these will be addressed, potentially including formal ethics review and conflicts of interest. Reference to the evidence-base will be useful…]
- Limitations (one page only)
[Factors which could limit the proposed quality improvement/change intervention’s generalisability, internal validity (confounding, bias or imprecision in design, methods, measurement or analysis) and approaches to minimize such limitations. Reference to the evidence-base will be useful…]
These are evidence-based factors (circumstances, facts, influences) which could limit (hinder or hamper) the overall impact (outcome) of the proposed improvement/change for your organization. Guidance from our assignment descriptor as to what to consider for these limitations include (but may not be limited to depending on your proposed improvement/change and what the literature indicates) issues with general is ability, validity (confounding, bias or imprecision in design, methods, measurement or analysis), etc. Remember also to include recommended, evidence-based approaches to managing (minimizing) the limitations you have identified. My sense is that this once again will be a couple of paragraphs, critically written and appropriately integrated, although I can also see how potentially a table or diagram presenting the limitations versus approaches to managing them could be constructed and used, but will need to be supported by your critical narrative.
- Conclusion
[A brief summary of what has been discussed, a suggested course of action and a statement which summarizes your main point or conclusions of the arguments you have made]
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proposal for a quality Improvement/Change Intervention for a Healthcare Organization
proposal for a quality Improvement/Change Intervention for a Healthcare Organization
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