High School Students at Risk of Failing

High School Students at Risk of Failing. High School Students at Risk of Failing.


This project is for a School Counseling Master’s program class. It is a term paper that must address the topic “High School Students at Risk of Failing”.

The following topics must be addressed in the paper: Define what “at risk of failing” means in High School setting

-what qualifies a student “at risk” -what are the statistics (NY) -what are the signs Causes for students failing (define/explain these causes) Interventions from School Counselors -PBIS (define and include statistics on its effectiveness)

-Other programs for prevention and interventions in High School How can School Counselors bring in the community and family to prevent and support.

You may use the following articles as reference but you are not limited to them (when choosing your own references, they may not be older than 10 years): Keeping Students on Track to Graduate: A Synthesis of School Dropout Trends, Prevention, and Intervention Initiatives by Meghan Ecker-Lyster and Christopher Niileksela https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1117591.pdf How Did Successful High Schools Improve Their Graduation Rates? Robertson, Janna Siegel; Smith, Robert W.; Rinka, Jason Journal of At-Risk Issues, v19 n1 p10-18 2016 https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1104424.pdf Identifying Students at Risk of School Failure in Luxembourgish Secondary School https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/2df2/cc36e6a0e739944c588d9a871c0f83e24575.pdf Local Case Management Team Holistic Intervention for At-Risk Ninth Graders: A Case Study – Jessica Grant, Russell Yokum, and Glenn Holzman https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1253855.pdf Assessing the Relationship Between the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Framework and Student Outcomes in High Schools -Jennifer Freeman, Laura Kern, Anthony J. Gambino, Allison Lombardi, and Jennifer Kowitt https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1231342.pdf

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High School Students at Risk of Failing

High School Students at Risk of Failing

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Higher Education Essay

Higher Education Essay. Higher Education Essay.


1. College Student Development & Diversity

Student protests are on the rise on college campuses across the country. Behrent (2019) asserts in “A Tale of Two Arguments About Free Speech on Campus” that “multiple prominent speakers were disinvited from campuses following student protests” as “reactions to the wave of police shootings of African Americans that gave birth to the Black Lives Matter movement.” He adds that “around the same time, the terms microaggressionstrigger warnings, and safe spaces became increasingly mainstream, introducing a new vocabulary for defining acceptable limits on speech.” He goes on to cite a Pew Research Center survey that found that “black students value diverse and inclusive environments over free-speech protections by 68 percent, whereas white students prefer free speech by 52 percent (with men doing so by 61 percent).” Suzanne Nossel, the chief executive of PEN America, observed in a Washington Post editorial that “on many campuses, the students at the center of heated controversies are students of color” concerned with “eradicating persistent manifestations of discrimination that have outlasted decades of efforts at integration,” such as slurs, racist incidents, stereotyping, and segregation.

Furthermore, in “The Whole Weight of the World on My Shoulders”: Power, Identity, and Student Activism”, Linder et al. (2019) state that “the failure of institutional leaders to respond to and disrupt racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and the intersections of multiple forms of oppression on campus often compels students with minoritized identities to engage in activism and resistance. As a result, some college and university educators miss opportunities to improve campus environments and thereby further harm already marginalized students.”

  1. Provide your definition of college student development, and discuss your personal philosophy of student life and development.
    1. LENGTH: 1 PAGE
    1. College Student Development: represents the field of study that focuses on higher education student populations and how they develop a sense of self throughout their college experience. (re-phrase and expand)
    1. Personal Philosophy: My personal philosophy of student life and development resonates with Schlossberg’s Theory of Mattering and Marginality (1989) and Strayhorn’s Sense of Belonging (2012). (define and expand of the importance of both theories as it relates to student life and development success in college)
    1. Include additional reputable sources
  2. Describe the four key components to the Model of Multiple Dimensions of Identity (MMDI), and provide examples of how the model can help faculty and administrators gain better insight into why student activism is increasing.
    1. LENGTH: 1 PAGE
    1. See attached PDF
    1. Include additional reputable sources
  3. Select one social identity theory (racial, sexual orientation, gender, etc.) and, using student activism as your lens; describe the progression that students experiencewith respect to their growth and development in college.
    1. LENGTH: 1 PAGE
    1. Social Identity Theory: Phinney’s Model of Ethnic Identity Development (1992)
    1. Include additional reputable sources
  4. Select one student development theory (psychosocial, cognitive, moral or self-authorship) that you believe might help college faculty and administrators better understand student activism and do the following:
    1. Describe the process of development in the model;
    1. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the model;
    1. Explain how this theory can be used to understand and address the issue.
  6. Student Development Theory: Chickering’s Theory of Identity Development (1969)
  7. Include additional reputable sources
  8. Discuss the benefits of diversity in higher education and your suggestions for how colleges and universities may foster diversity and inclusion on campuses.
    1. LENGTH: 1 PAGE
    1. Good articles:
      1. Diversity in College and Why It Matters
      1. Improving Diversity in Higher Education – Beyond the Moral Imperative
      1. Why Are There So Few Professors Of Color?
      1. Why Colleges Should Require Faculty Diversity Statements
      1. Include additional reputable sources
  9. Identify two (2) of the most important/popular characteristics of contemporary undergraduate students and do the following:
  10. Describe and discuss the two (2) characteristics and why you consider them to be the most important;
  11. Discuss the challenges that each of the two (2) characteristics present for higher education administrators in the 21st century; and
  12. Discuss how HE administrators can best handle the challenges presented by these contemporary characteristics of students.
  14. Contemporary Undergraduate Students: Generation Z (define briefly by Seemiller and Grace [2016])
  15. See attached PDFs (Gen Z Goes To College Chapters 1 & 10)
    1. Loyal, compassionate, thoughtful, open-minded, responsible, and determined (choose 2 and why you consider them to be the most important)
  16. Good articles:
    1. Are Colleges Ready for Generation Z?
    1. A Gen Z Guide to Inclusivity
    1. The New Generation of Students: How colleges can recruit, teach, and serve Gen Z
    1. This Is Why Generation Z Will Skip College
    1. How Generation Z Is Shaping The Change In Education
  17. Also discuss mental health
  18. Include additional reputable sources

2. Higher Education in the United States (please answer all questions)

You have been appointed Editor of the Journal of the History of American Higher Education. You are preparing a special issue directed toward professors of Higher Education. The theme of the issue is “Two Important Milestones that Shaped Access to American Higher Education.” Select two milestones that you believe improved access to American higher education.  Discuss the contributions, significance, and current relevance of these events.  In your essay:

  1. Describe (briefly) the milestones and their major contributions at that time,
  2. Discuss the reasons for their importance to higher education, and
  3. Relate the milestones in access to current issues, tensions, policies and/or practices and discuss critically whether we have arrived at the end point. 
    1. LENGTH: 3 PAGES
    1. Milestones: Morrill Land Grant Acts of 1862 & 1890 and the Serviceman’s Readjustment Act of 1944 (GI Bill)
      1. Main source: Cohen, A. M. & Kisker, C. B. (2010). The shaping of American higher education: Emergence and growth of the contemporary system (2nd Ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
      1. Good articles:
        1. How the GI Bill Changed Higher Education (see attached PDF)
        1. 50 Years Later, the Value of the G.I. Bill Is Questioned
        1. Why the Morrill Land-Grant Colleges Act Still Matters
        1. ‘Land-Grant Universities for the Future’
      1. Briefly discuss the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 and Forever GI Bill
      1. Include additional reputable sources

Be sure to give examples where appropriate, use relevant theory and research and to cite your sources throughout.

3. Enrollment Management

An important article in Inside Higher Ed, “Kentucky’s Need-Based Aid Gamble” (Seltzer, 1/24/17) discussed a change in student financial aid policy at the University of Kentucky, which is the 4-year, public, research university.  The shift would divert financial aid away from their institutional merit-based aid programs (currently 90% of institutional aid awarded) and skew it toward their need-based programs, which they aspire to be 65% of institutional aid awarded by 2021.  Given your knowledge of enrollment management theory and practice, please respond to the questions below, as they might relate to the situation at the University of Kentucky:

  1. Discuss the historical roots of enrollment management and how the evolution of the practice promotes the mission of colleges and universities;
  2. Describe thestages of the traditional enrollment funnel, highlighting how you believe this change in policy might impact students with no demonstrated financial need;
  3. Explain the stages of the college choice process, with particular attention to how this policy might impact access for low-SES students at UK;
  4. Describe financial aid leveraging and discuss why it remains controversial for enrollment management;
  5. Criticisms of this shift in policy relate to issues such as the commercialization of higher education and college rankings; provide an analysis of how you see this shift impacting these issues positively or negatively.
    1. LENGTH: 3 PAGES
    1. Main source: Hossler, D., Bontrager, B., Tom, L., & Ebooks Corporation. (2015). Handbook of strategic enrollment management (Jossey-Bass higher and adult education series). San Francisco, California: Jossey-Bass.
    1. Historical roots/mission: (see attached PDF Chapter 1 of Handbook of Strategic Enrollment Management)
    1. Traditional enrollment funnel: (see attached PDF – pg. 131-132)
    1. College choice process: Stages of College Choice (Hossler & Gallager, 1987)
      1. 6 Factors in college choice (Noel-Levitz, 2007)
    1. Financial aid leveraging: (see attached PDF 2000 The Role of Financial Aid in Enrollment Management)
      1. cite relevant source
    1. Commercialization of higher education and college rankings: cite relevant sources

The article goes on to say that better retention is the main reason behind the shift; they have data to indicate that students with $5,000 or more in unmet financial need are more likely to drop out.  The impact is even more pronounced with first-generation students.  By focusing on reducing students’ unmet need, they hope to drastically boost retention.

  • Select a college impact model (environmental model) and discuss how it helps us to understand the retention of college students;
  • Name two student demographic variables that you believe are important to consider when studying student departure (in this case or generally), and justify your selections by explaining why each variable is important;
  • Identify and describe the key elements of predictive modeling and enrollment forecasting as they relate to student recruitment and retention, and include specific trends or indicators that you believe would be important to monitor in this case;
  • Describe and discussyour personal philosophy of EM and how you as a higher education administrator would assess the shift in policy proposed at UK, with particular attention to the balance between access and completion.
    • College impact model/retention: The two models by Cabrera, Nora, & Castañeda
      • The role of finances in the persistence process: A structural model (1992)
      • Integrated Model of Student Retention (1993)
    • Student demographic variables: socioeconomic status and race/ethnicity
      • cite relevant sources
    • Predictive modeling and enrollment forecasting: Forecasting Enrollment to Achieve Institutional Goals (Ward, 2007) – (see attached PDF)
      • cite relevant sources
    • Personal philosophy of EM: My philosophy of enrollment management is closely aligned with Huddlestone’s (2000) definition of enrollment management as an, “institution’s enrollment is comprehensively developed and is based on a strategic, integrative plan that includes the identification, attraction, selection, encouragement, registration, retention, and graduation of targeted student segments.” (expand)
      • Establish goals
      • Importance of marketing
      • Increase number of new students
      • Diversify the student body
      • Retain more students
      • Enroll more high ability students
      • Enhance the retention of new students
    • Include additional reputable sources

4. Organization & Administration of Higher Education

You have been appointed Editor of the Journal of College and University Leadership.  You are preparing a special issue directed toward administrators and staff of Higher Education. The theme of the issue is “Campus Leaders Today & Covid 19.” Write an article on campus leadership.  In your essay:

  1. Discuss how a campus leader steeped in each of the four frames might undertake the administration of his/her institution.  Use examples to highlight similarities and differences; and
  2. Describe and discuss the leadership theories and skills/competencies you consider to be the most useful for campus leaders when dealing with the challenges related to the pandemic.  Give reasons for your choices and use examples for illustration. 
  4. Bolman and Deal’s (2003) Four-Frame Model
    1. Structural
    1. Human Resource
    1. Political
    1. Symbolic
  5. Leadership Theories:
    1. Servant Leadership
      1. Learning to Lead (Davis, 2003) – See attached PDF
      1. Include additional reputable sources
    1. Situational Approach Leadership
      1. Peter Northouse (2013)
      1. Include additional reputable sources
  6. Good articles:
    1. Academic Leadership in a Time of Crisis: The Coronavirus and COVID‐19
    1. What Good Leadership Looks Like During This Pandemic
    1. 4 Behaviors That Help Leaders Manage a Crisis
    1. Include additional reputable sources

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Higher Education Essay

Higher Education Essay

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Education Research Paper

Education Research Paper. Education Research Paper.


In 7-8 pages an APA-style paper, describe what you learned about teaching and learning in the course of your fieldwork experience and how you plan to implement it in your teaching practice.

Your paper must include the following sections:

  1. State 3-5 major take-aways on teaching and learning and support them with the examples from the practice you analyzed and reflected on during the course.
  2. Share 1-2 learning strategies and evidence-based practices that you observed/learned and plan to implement in your teaching. You may include their description in the attachment to the paper. In the paper describe them briefly and explain why you find them effective.
  3. Reflect on Professional Responsibilities Activity you completed in Module 1 and design the next steps you want to develop your professionalism as defined in Danielson rubric .
    1. Integrity and ethical conduct
    1. Receptivity to feedback from colleagues
    1. Advocacy
    1. Relationship with colleagues
    1. Involvement in culture of professional inquiry
  4. Summarize what you plan to learn and implement in your teaching to support student learning.

APA citations and Reference list: http://www.utoledo.edu/library/help/guides/docs/apastyle.pdf

4 takeaways

  1. Engaging students
  2. be patient 
  3. the quality of teaching
  4. the challenges of assessments


fist of 5

Module 1: Activity 2: Professional Responsibilities

2020 unread replies.2020 replies.

Contribute to the Discussion Board in the form of one (1) initial post and two (2) or more responses to other candidates.

The initial post is at least a 350-word response to the module questions that also includes your questions that emerged while you read and analyze others’ dispositions.

Based on your review on HLP – 1 through HLP-22 Fundamental to effective teaching is demonstrating professionalism in advocacy and in service to students and Danielson Framework Domain 4 create a plan how you would engage in best practices as demonstrated from the reading and videos as you continue the semester in your interactions with peers and at your school.   

  • Integrity and ethical conduct
  • Receptivity to feedback from colleagues
  • Advocacy
  • Relationship with colleagues
  • Involvement in culture of professional inquiry


1. Howard, Gary R. (2007). Dispositions for Good Teaching. Journal of Educational Controversy: Vol.2: No. 2. Retrieved from https://cedar.wwu.edu/jec/vol2/iss2/2

2. IRIS: Standards. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/resources/faculty/standards/

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Education Research Paper

Education Research Paper

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Challenges of Families Raising a Special Needs Child

Challenges of Families Raising a Special Needs Child. Challenges of Families Raising a Special Needs Child.


Interview a family of a child with a developmental disability. Ask the parent to describe life with a special needs child. Have the parent identify how the family has been able to access services authorized by public law for their child.

Include such items as: diagnosis, age of onset, therapies or special services the family is accessing, the story of diagnosis (cycle of denial), family dynamics, special expenses, caregiving arrangements, and any issue they have dealt with specific to the child needs. Your paper should be in paragraph form.

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Challenges of Families Raising a Special Needs Child

Challenges of Families Raising a Special Needs Child

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Operations and Algebraic Lesson Plan

Operations and Algebraic Lesson Plan. Operations and Algebraic Lesson Plan.


It is important for all students, especially students with disabilities, to be exposed to content-based lessons that promote critical thinking and problem solving. There are many areas that a student may struggle in when it comes to mastering complex mathematical tasks. For this reason, it is imperative that teachers are equipped with various instructional strategies for handling these situations.

Part 1: Operation and Algebraic Thinking Lesson Plan Using the “COE Lesson Plan Template,” design a lesson for the 1-5 grade level of your choice and a corresponding Arizona or other state math standard within the Operation and Algebraic Thinking domain. Locate four lesson plans that focus on your chosen grade level and math standard from four different websites to review. Using the lesson plans as resources, design a new operation and algebraic thinking lesson plan that encourages critical thinking. The lesson plan must include differentiated strategies for students who struggle with perception and attention as well as differentiation strategies for students who struggle with memory and retrieval.

Part 2: Instructional Strategies Rationale In 250-500 words, reflect upon your instructional choices and rationalize the appropriateness of each strategy related to the specified student needs and learning target. Describe how each strategy encourages critical thinking specific to your lesson. Support your choices with this topic’s readings and a minimum of two scholarly resources. In addition, cite the websites you used as references to develop your lesson plan. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, sold academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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Operations and Algebraic Lesson Plan

Operations and Algebraic Lesson Plan

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Portrait of a Teacher: Education Philosophy Statement

Portrait of a Teacher: Education Philosophy Statement. Portrait of a Teacher: Education Philosophy Statement.


Your culminating project will center on the relation of CLOs to the intersections and interactions of historical themes, current practices, relevant theory and philosophy, and personal cultural identity in education. A statement of personal philosophy of education is a reflective piece, 5-10 pages long, that summarizes your educational position on the purpose, process, nature, and ideals of education. As a reflection on your CLOs, your personal education philosophy explains the beliefs and ideas that underlie your thinking and regulate your actions. Drawing on what you’ve learned in the course, your paper should reflect on how you, as a teacher, will Continually and deliberately reflect on my practices in light of educational research, professional decisions, and pedagogical approaches. (Reflexive Praxis) Create contexts for learning that are driven by evidence-based principles of diversity, difference, inclusion, and equity. (Learner Centeredness) Apply knowledge, concepts, and strategies across domains to engage individuals and promote critical thinking and creativity. (Discipline Knowledge and Skills) Demonstrate attitudes, knowledge, skills, and professional ethics that contribute to the success and well-being of all individuals. (Professional Commitment to Action) Evaluate, plan, select, and implement appropriate formative and summative assessments–including those that are technology based–to monitor individuals’ understanding, behavior, and progress. (Data Literacy and Research) The following questions may help to guide the creation of the action plan to implement your personal philosophy: Which aspects of your own and others’ philosophies would you like to focus on in your teaching? (RP1, LC1, DKS1) What action steps will you take to bring these philosophies to life in your practice? (DKS2, PCA1) How will enacting these chosen philosophies further your development as a reflective practitioner in relation to the CLOs? (RP1, RP2, RP3) How will you assess your growth and progress toward actualization of your personal philosophy of education? (RP1, DLR2, DLR3) What histories, philosophies, ideas, and theories of education that we learned about in this course are still present in schools, and which would you like to preserve in current educational practices? (DKS1, DKS2, DKS3) How will enacting these philosophies, theories, and ideas further your development as a teacher in relation to the CLOs you discussed in Module 1? Assess your personal and professional growth since your initial philosophical reflections on these CLOs. (RP1, RP2, RP3) How does/should culturally-responsive pedagogy manifest in schools? (LC1, LC2, PCA1, DLR1) Who are you as a student and teacher? How have you come to know what you know about education and schooling? In what ways have your cultural identities and social experiences shaped your understanding of education and schooling? (RP1, RP2, RP3, PCA1) Is American education moving in the right direction? How can you transform your ideas about education and schooling into praxis, advocacy, and action? (DKS1, DKS2, PCA1, DLR3)

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Portrait of a Teacher: Education Philosophy Statement

Portrait of a Teacher: Education Philosophy Statement

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Using and Evaluating Research Evidence

Using and Evaluating Research Evidence. Using and Evaluating Research Evidence.


Using and evaluating research evidence

Assignment information:

Title: Case study analysis of a source of non-academic evidence

For Assessment Task, you are required to write a 4000-word case study analysis that focuses on one of the following sources of non-academic evidence:

Your case study analysis will need to include the following sections. 

1.    A general introduction about the selected organisation. This general introduction should describe and explain features such as the organisation’s history and purpose, its focus and main activities, its outputs and audiences, and its sources of funding and governance. It should also explain the organisation’s approach to evidence, and its role within the evidence ecosystem. This section should provide a comprehensive introduction to the organisation, in which its different features are accurately described and explained and well linked together to offer a rich picture. 800 words.

2.    A critical analysis of three substantial publications from the selected organisation (avoid short blog posts, PPT slides and research summaries). The critical analysis should: examine the focus, purposes and audiences of each publication, their structure and format, and their findings and recommendations. It should also identify what you see as the strengths and weaknesses of each publication in relation to their intended purposes and audiences. In this section, three appropriate publications should be selected and carefully reviewed, showing coverage of the suggested aspects and evidence of critical reading that draws on unit materials. 1200 words.

3.    A critical appraisal of the evidence used within each of the selected publications. This critical appraisal should: identify the types of evidence within each publication and explain how they are presented and used; comment on the strengths and weaknesses of the evidence within each publication; and reflect on how well the evidence aligns with the main findings and recommendations of each publication. This section should demonstrate an understanding of different types of evidence and their use, their strengths and weaknesses, and the relationship between evidence and findings, and draw on appropriate terminology and unit materials. 800 words. 

4.    A conclusion where you reflect on the value of the organisation and its significance for your current or future professional practice. This section should reflect on the selected organisation and its publications in terms of their relevance, value and usefulness to your current or future professional practice. It should also reflect on the pros and cons of the development of organisations like this within education systems. This section should demonstrate a developing understanding of the practical considerations of evidence and its use, and include reflective analysis in relation to specific areas of professional practice and specific pros and cons, with links to ideas within the unit. 800 words.

All of the above sections should be well presented and structured with evidence of effective APA (APA 7th edition) referencing and proof-reading and attention to detail.

Criteria for marking
The marking rubric will be based on the following requirements:

1.    A general introduction about the selected organisation (Worth 20%, 10 marks)

HD: A comprehensive range of features of the organisation are accurately described and explained, the organisation’s approach to evidence and its role in the evidence ecosystem is very well explained, and all points made are well linked together to offer a rich picture.

2.    A critical analysis of three substantial publications from the selected organisation (Worth 30%, 15 marks)

HD: Three appropriate publications were selected. The analysis covers a comprehensive range of aspects of all of the publications, the points made are insightful and very well explained, and there is strong evidence of in-depth critical engagement. There is highly effective use of unit materials. 

3.    A critical appraisal of the evidence used within each of the selected publications (Worth 20%, 10 marks)

HD: The appraisal accurately identifies the specific types of evidence within each publication and insightfully discusses how they are used. Strengths and weaknesses of the evidence are explained using appropriate terminology, and the relationship between evidence and findings is carefully considered. There is highly effective use of unit materials. 

4.    A conclusion where you evaluate the work of that organisation and its significance for your current or future professional practice (Worth 20%, 10 marks)

HD: The conclusion includes insightful reflections on the organisation and its publications, and their relevance to your current or future professional practice. There is insightful discussion of pros and cons of such organisations.  The points made are all specific, detailed, well explained,   authentic and linked to ideas within the unit. 

5.    All of the above sections are well presented and structured with evidence of effective APA (APA 7th edition) referencing and proof-reading and attention to detail (Worth 10%, 5 marks)

 HD: All sections are very well presented and structured with very clear evidence of effective APA referencing and proof-reading and highly accurate attention to detail.

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Using and Evaluating Research Evidence

Using and Evaluating Research Evidence

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Case Study: Dress Code

Case Study: Dress Code. Case Study: Dress Code.


The purpose of this assignment is to encourage principal candidates to consider the issue of the school dress code from several perspectives. Part 1: Case Analysis *Brief summary of the case *Identify the issues to be resolved *Stakeholders involved in the issues *One or two existing laws or court rulings that relate to the issues *District policies that relate to the issues *Possible solutions to the issues *The solutions chosen to resolve the issues *Action steps (2-5) for implementing your solutions, including a timeline for each step *Potential moral and legal consequences of each solution

Part 2: Rationale Support the case analysis with a 250-500 word rationale explaining the solutions you chose and how each solution: *Reflects professional ethics, integrity, and fairness. *Promotes social justice and ensures that individual student needs inform all aspects of schooling. *Promotes collaboration, trust, learning, and high expectations. Cite the case and any other source documents as appropriate. 

Case Study: Dress Code

You are an assistant principal at a suburban high school with 2,400 students, Grades 9-12 with 150 staff.  It is May of your first year. You have been tasked with updating the dress code for the upcoming school year and providing consequences along with ensuring students wear ID cards on a lanyard at all times. This is a major undertaking as during this school year there were over 2,000 dress code violations and over 2,500 ID card violations.

Currently, students out of dress code are sent to the in-school suspension (ISS) room where they are asked to change, put their sweater back on, call a parent, etc. Each violation is logged and there are consequences after the third violation. Male teachers do not like to dress code girls, and the women teachers often argue with girls over the width of shirt straps and the length of shorts.  It is also an issue when girls wear leggings or yoga pants with short shirts, items that are too tight, and clothing with cut out areas. Boys are most often dress coded for inappropriate shirt slogans or sagging pants. Often, students change clothes and never go to the ISS room. It is a tracking nightmare.

Teachers do not like to argue with the students, so they tend to ignore the situation. Some parents are appalled at the way students dress, and they share their opinions with administration through emails and phone calls. They have recommended students wear uniforms; however, wearing uniforms is a district decision. Administration is frustrated with the number of the referrals and the long list of students for detention.

In addition to the clothing issues, students often do not wear their school ID cards, even though they are regularly reminded to do so. The students tend to keep them in their pockets, backpacks, or purse. They are asked to wear them for safety reasons, which were outlined by the district. It is not an administrative choice to eliminate the wearing of ID cards. Students who do not have an ID card must be sent to the ISS room for a sticker or buy a new ID card at the cost of $5.

The current dress code has been in place for 10 years. It includes the width of shirt straps, the length of shorts/dresses, the neckline of girl’s shirts, gang-related clothing, sagging pants, etc.

Course CodeClass CodeAssignment TitleTotal Points      
EAD-519EAD-519-O500Case Study: Dress Code50.0
CriteriaPercentageNo Submission (0.00%)Insufficient (69.00%)Approaching (74.00%)Acceptable (87.00%)Target (100.00%)CommentsPoints Earned 
Case Analysis 1-310.0%Not addressed.Analysis inadequately summarizes the case, identifies the issues to be resolved, and identifies the stakeholders involved in the issues.Analysis minimally summarizes the case, identifies the issues to be resolved, and identifies the stakeholders involved in the issues.Analysis accurately summarizes the case, identifies the issues to be resolved, and identifies the stakeholders involved in the issues.Analysis skillfully and convincingly summarizes the case, identifies the issues to be resolved, and identifies the stakeholders involved in the issues.0.00/0.00
Case Analysis 4-510.0%Not addressed.Ineffectively identifies existing laws or court rulings and district policies related to the issues.Vaguely identifies existing laws or court rulings and district policies related to the issues.Clearly identifies existing laws or court rulings and district policies related to the issues.Identifies compelling existing laws or court rulings and district policies related to the issues.0.00/0.00
Case Analysis 6-820.0%Not addressed.Identifies incomprehensible solutions to the issues and selects poor solutions for resolving the issues. Action steps and timeline are irrelevant.Identifies possible solutions to the issues and ambiguously selects solutions for resolving the issues. Action steps and timeline are weak.Identifies logical possible solutions to the issues and appropriately selects competent solutions for resolving the issues. Action steps and timeline are suitable.Identifies exceptional possible solutions to the issues and insightfully selects ideal solutions for resolving the issues. Action steps and timeline are thoughtful and realistic.0.00/0.00
Case Analysis 910.0%Not addressed.Moral and legal consequences of proposed solutions are incorrectly explained.Structure of the paper is not easy to follow. Moral and legal consequences of proposed solutions are missing key details. is provided but it does not preview all major points. Paragraph transitions need improvement. Conclusion is provided but does not flow from the body of the paper.Moral and legal consequences of proposed solutions are properly explained.Moral and legal consequences of proposed solutions are thorough and proficiently explained.0.00/0.00
Rationale30.0%Not addressed.Rationale inadequately explains how the proposed solutions: reflect professional ethics, integrity, and fairness; promote social justice and ensure that individual student needs inform all aspects of schooling; and promote collaboration, trust, learning, and high expectations.Rationale inexplicitly explains how the proposed solutions: reflect professional ethics, integrity, and fairness; promote social justice and ensure that individual student needs inform all aspects of schooling; and promote collaboration, trust, learning, and high expectations.Rationale reasonably explains how the proposed solutions: reflect professional ethics, integrity, and fairness; promote social justice and ensure that individual student needs inform all aspects of schooling; and promote collaboration, trust, learning, and high expectations.Rationale compellingly explains how the proposed solutions: reflect professional ethics, integrity, and fairness; promote social justice and ensure that individual student needs inform all aspects of schooling; and promote collaboration, trust, learning, and high expectations.0.00/0.00
Organization5.0%Not addressed.An attempt is made to organize the content, but the sequence is indiscernible. The ideas presented are compartmentalized and may not relate to each other.The content may not be adequately organized even though it provides the audience with a sense of the main idea.The content is logically organized. The ideas presented relate to each other. The content provides the audience with a clear sense of the main idea.The content is well-organized and logical. There is a sequential progression of ideas that relate to each other. The content is presented as a cohesive unit and provides the audience with a clear sense of the main idea.0.00/0.00
Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style)5.0%Not addressed.Documentation of sources is inconsistent or incorrect, as appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors.Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although several minor formatting errors are present.Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct.Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.0.00/0.00
Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, and language use)10.0%Not addressed.Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction are used.Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register) and/or word choice are present.Submission includes some mechanical errors, but they do not hinder comprehension. A variety of effective sentence structures are used, as well as some practice and content-related language.Submission is virtually free of mechanical errors. Word choice reflects well-developed use of practice and content-related language. Sentence structures are varied and engaging.0.00/0.00
Total Weightage100%0.00/50.0

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Case Study: Dress Code

Case Study: Dress Code

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Equality and Equity

Equality and Equity. Equality and Equity.

Please read the attached case study 8.3 and answer the 5 questions at the end. Here is the book citation: Shapiro, J.P. & Gross, S. J. (2013). Ethical educational leadership in turbulent times (2nd ed). New York, NY: RoutledgeP(5.u)

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Equality and Equity

Equality and Equity

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Doctor of Education in Ed Leadership,

Doctor of Education in Ed Leadership,. Doctor of Education in Ed Leadership,. like to apply Program: Doctor of Education in Ed Leadership, NonProfit&Public Leadership in Seattle University. And their requirements :

A personal statement ( no longer than 2 pages in length) describing the applicant’s prior experience as it relates to the requirements if the doctoral program to include the ability to effectively engage in doctoral-level studies and research; applicants must address, in their personal statement, their experience with social justice advocacy and organizational and social change; applicants must discuss how their experience fits within the mission of the doctoral program and that of Seattle University.


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Doctor of Education in Ed Leadership,

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