Ultroglo ATP assay and ames test

Ultroglo ATP assay and ames test. Ultroglo ATP assay and ames test. Write about two assays under the followind points:(each assay in a page)
1. Background of the assay and how they are a part of implant biocompatibility testing.
2. Application of the assay
3. previous research/uses of the application/experiment
4. reasons for method/experiment
5 conclusion
Harvard style referencing ( in the paragraph also eg: (James, 2017)
do it in word microsoft.


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Ultroglo ATP assay and ames test

Ultroglo ATP assay and ames test

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what extent does hydrogen peroxide affect the enzyme activity of Ovis Aries liver

what extent does hydrogen peroxide affect the enzyme activity of Ovis Aries liver. what extent does hydrogen peroxide affect the enzyme activity of Ovis Aries liver. This is an IA (lab report) The research question is "What is the effect of increasing the concentration of catalase on the rate of chemical reaction?" In the picture I uploaded, I put all the results of the expirements so please use these results in the lab report with the specifc amount/quantities I used dont change them. I have also uploaded the method however, ofcourse rewrite it in a better, formal way. The lab report needs to be in the IA format so please google all the requirements of the IA because I need to have every single detail ( eg: introduction, hypothesis, evaluation, graph, variabl


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what extent does hydrogen peroxide affect the enzyme activity of Ovis Aries liver

what extent does hydrogen peroxide affect the enzyme activity of Ovis Aries liver

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helminth parasites

helminth parasites. helminth parasites. Read/watch the following articles about helminth parasites. Write a one paragraph summary of each article that discusses the societal issues involved with these parasitic diseases. Do these diseases affect society? Does human activity change the parasite’s ability to spread and find hosts?




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helminth parasites

helminth parasites

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protozoan parasites

protozoan parasites. protozoan parasites. Read the following articles about protozoan parasites. Write a one paragraph summary of each article that discusses the societal issues involved with these parasitic diseases. Do these diseases affect society? Does human activity change the parasite’s ability to spread and find hosts?




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protozoan parasites

protozoan parasites

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mechanisms of wood decny and the unique features of heartrots

mechanisms of wood decny and the unique features of heartrots. mechanisms of wood decny and the unique features of heartrots. need a summery of this paper please do not add anything from outside


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mechanisms of wood decny and the unique features of heartrots

mechanisms of wood decny and the unique features of heartrots

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Point of Care (POC) Project

Point of Care (POC) Project. Point of Care (POC) Project. completely and fully by your own words only base on order instruction (as file attachment)..please consider only answers of questions on completed order file so No questions include it also.
Order instruction uploaded as file . please first read order instruction and then answers 12 questions of POC project.


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Point of Care (POC) Project

Point of Care (POC) Project

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Build a phylogenetic

Build a phylogenetic. Build a phylogenetic. For this assignment, you will use an amino acid sequence from a specific protein found in a wide variety of plants. Proteins are composed of smaller molecules called amino acids. The amino acids are arranged in a specific sequence, which determines the shape and function of the protein. The sequence of amino acids in a particular protein can vary slightly among different organisms because of small mutations that have occurred over evolutionary time. The more evolutionary time has passed, the greater the number of mutations that could have occurred to change the amino acid sequence. If two organisms recently shared a common ancestor, then the amino acid sequences of their proteins should be similar. If two organisms last shared a common much farther in the past, then their amino acid sequences will have greater differences.

The protein you will use for this assignment is called Bet v 1. Proteins are often named after the organism where they were first found. In this case, the Bet v 1 protein was found in birch trees, which have the scientific name Betula verrucosa (hence Bet v 1 protein). The Bet v 1 protein helps plants defend against certain types of pathogens and is found in many different types of plants, including peaches, cherries, celery, tomato and potato and, of course, birch trees.

Here is a list of 15 plant species you will include in your analysis of Bet v 1.


Compare these 15 types of plants to each other. Which are, in your opinion, more similar to each other and which are less similar? Why? Try to think about whether these similarities are required for function or if they are similar for another reason that isn’t apparent to you.

For example, you may think that apples and pears both have stems because the stem is required to hang that fruit. You may therefore conclude that stems are necessary for this particular function. You may also recognize that raspberries and strawberries both have their seeds on the outside but this similarity is not necessary for function because seeds on the inside work just as well.

Record your comparisons (at least three or four) on a piece of notebook paper. Write your name on the paper because you’ll turn this in later.

You have just developed a hypothesis about which structural similarities are homologies and which are not. You could use the homologies to build a phylogenetic tree by grouping together organisms with shared homologies. If you hypothesize that two organisms share a homology, then you are also hypothesizing that those two organisms share a common ancestor. Using homologies to develop phylogenetic trees is a very important tool in evolutionary biology.
Another tool is to use genetic information, such as DNA and proteins. DNA and proteins can vary among organisms due to mutations that change the nucleotide or amino acid sequence. Because genetic mutations accumulate over time, closely related organisms will be genetically similar. More distantly related organisms will be genetically less similar. You will use the amino acid sequence for Bet v 1 from the 15 plant species to obtain a phylogenetic tree. Below is the amino acid sequence for each species. Some sequences, such as raspberry, are a bit shorter but this will not be a problem.
















Each letter indicates 1 of 20 possible amino acids. For example, nearly all of the sequences begin with M, which represents Methionine. If you compare the first three amino acids of the sequences, most begin with MGV, MGA or MGL. The third amino acid varies among the different plants, which is due to mutational differences that have occurred over time. You might hypothesize that species with the V amino acid at the third position are more closely related to each other than they are to those with an A or L at the third position. Comparing all of the sequences manually to develop a phylogenetic tree would be a very difficult task. Fortunately, there are computer programs that do this for us.

Follow the instructions below to develop a phylogenetic tree for the 15 plant species using Bet v 1 amino acid sequences.

1. Go to the course website in Moodle. Scroll down to the link that says “Bet v 1 Protein Sequences.” Follow the link to find the Bet v 1 sequences.
2. Copy all 15 sequences from the website, starting at “>Celery” and ending on the line below “>Tomato”. You must include the lines beginning with the greater than sign and the sequences. Do not copy the start here and end here lines.
3. Navigate to the website http://phylogeny.lirmm.fr/phylo_cgi/index.cgi. There is a link on the course website. You’ll probably have to resize the new window that opens.
4. Scroll down a bit and click on “One click” under the heading “Phylogeny analysis”
5. Paste what you have previously copied into the giant white box in the center of the page, located directly under “Or paste it here”. You do not need to provide a name or your e-mail address.
6. Do not click any other boxes and click on submit. The entire process should take no more than about two minutes. The website is automatically doing two things for you:
a. Align the sequences. You probably noticed the sequences are not the same length. For example, the raspberry sequence is incomplete and therefore shorter than the other sequences. The sequences have to be properly aligned to get a reasonable analysis.
b. Analyze the aligned sequences. The computer uses a maximum likelihood analysis technique that is a mathematically complex but very robust. Many analyses take hours or days to run but our data set is very small so the analysis will be quick.
7. After the analysis is complete, you should now see a phylogenetic tree. Click on the PDF button under the heading “Download the tree”, which is right below the tree.
8. Print this PDF file and attach the scrap piece of paper that you jotted down the similarities on earlier.
The phylogenetic tree that you obtained is an real hypothesis about the evolutionary relationships among these 15 plant species, based on the Bet v 1 amino acid sequence. The numbers on the top of the tree branches indicate the likelihood that that particular branching is correct (it’s not a probability though; typically a value of 70 or higher is good).

Study the tree. Does it make sense to you? In other words, are plants that you thought might be closely related actually closely related?

On your scrap piece of paper that you attached to the PDF file, list some relationships that surprised you. If you can’t find any, list some that you predicted. But seriously, did you really predict kiwis are more closely related to celery and carrots than to strawberries?

Feel free to play around with the buttons and experiment with new types of views for your phylogeny. If you click on the “Alignment” tab above the tree, you’ll see the final alignment of your amino acid sequences. Notice the dashes that were added to the start of the raspberry sequence. The dashes indicate missing information. Notice that most of the amino acids vary but that some never change. For example, all of the plants have a “PK” near the middle of the sequence, and all have a K in the 6th to last position (the last green shaded column). These unvarying amino acids might be critical to the function of the Bet v 1 protein.


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Build a phylogenetic

Build a phylogenetic

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antibacterial activity of nisin

antibacterial activity of nisin. antibacterial activity of nisin. Write one paragraph as an analysis of the article once finished then Answer the following questions separately in different paragraphs. Cite the paper uploaded.

1.Fig 5 shows that in vitro release profiles in phosphate buffer of pure nisin or nisin from from nanocapsules are very similar.Based on this figure the encapsulation did’t bring an advantage i.e. better control the release of nisin.
In this case why the authors encapsulated nisin ?

2.There are some interactions between nisin and the two polymers ?If yes, with which polymer and what type of interactions ?
3.Explain the role of surfactant on the encapsulation of nisin ? What are other syrfactants which can play the same role ?

4.Is chitosan soluble in water ? Please discuss the water solubilities of all reagents used in nanocapsules preparation.

5.Based on TEM micrographs in fig. 4 showing the encapsulated nicin.
Please give particles size and parameters which can influence it as well as encapsulation efficacy.
6.  describe how the antibacterial activity of nisin was evaluated and the findings illustrated in fig 6 ?


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antibacterial activity of nisin

antibacterial activity of nisin

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Characteristics and feature of E.coli gastroenteritis

Characteristics and feature of E.coli gastroenteritis. Characteristics and feature of E.coli gastroenteritis. Instructions how prepare and write scientific research paper?
1. Follow APA format; Minimum 8 (eight) standard white printed pages; Font size 12; Ariel or Times New Roman; NO bold, underline, or italic the text. All sections and paragraphs may be presented on new page. Submit the paper in folder. Pages could be placed in protected clear plastic sleeves.

2. Cover page – on the top the name of the university (Southern University of Shreveport). In the middle of the page – Title of your paper (you can increase the font size up to 24 and bold or underline, only here). Under the title – presented by (your name) follow by submitted to (my name). At the very bottom centered the course (Microbiology) followed by the semester (Fall 2012). NO page number.

3. Next page – Abstract. An abstract should be viewed as miniature version of the paper. Abstract should provide a brief summary of each of main sections of the paper (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion). Abstract should not exceed 250-500 words or half a page and should be designed to define clearly what is dealt with in the paper. NO page number. Tip – prepare your Abstract after the paper is written.

4. Next page – Table of Content. On this page all the sections (Introduction, etc.) should be listed on the left side and the corresponding page number – on the right side of the page. NO page number.

5. Next page – Introduction. A popular Greek philosopher stated: “A bad beginning makes a bad ending”. The purpose of the Introduction should be to supply sufficient background information to allow the reader to understand and evaluate the results of the present study without needing to refer to previous publications on this topic. It should provide rationale for the present study and should state briefly and clearly your purpose in writing the paper. This is your page # 1.

6. Next page – Materials and Methods. In this section you state the methodology employed in this study. The main purpose of this section is to present and describe (if real experimental work) the design in details enough so other scientists can repeat/reproduce the experiments. In theoretical work like this you describe the methods and tools you have used to accomplish this paper.

7. Next page – Results. There are two important tips (ingredients) of this section: First, you should give an overall description of work, providing the “big picture” without repeating details given in the Introduction section. Second, you should present the data of your research. It should be presented in past tense. The results should be short and sweet, without verbiage, and simply straight to the point.

8. Next page – Discussion. Usually this is the hardest section to write. Try to present the principles, relationships, and generalizations shown in Result section. And bear in mind, you discuss (in your words), you DO NOT recapitulate. Point out any exceptions, correlations, or unsettled point. Show how your work correlates and agree/not with previously published work. Don’t be shy, discuss implications of your work, and state your conclusions as clear as possible.

9. Next page – Conclusions. All components of your conclusion should be as clear as possible. Summarize your evidences for each conclusion; address the primary purpose of this work. Finish it with the significance of your work, discussed or not discussed in all other sections, and do it simply.

10. Next page – References. There are rules to follow in this section. List only significant published references related to your topic. References should be presented in numerical-alphabetical order based on the last name of the authors. Use the name of the article, journal, year, volume, and pages from to (15-21, for example). Citation is very important – it is recommended that you give (cite) the complete list of all references in your work, in sections you chose to be .

11. Last section – Appendix. In this very last section of the paper you should present all forms of illustration you may choose to support and make more presentable your work. Tables, graphs, illustrations, figures, in color or black and white, are welcome and is considered as “heart, brain, and desert” of a scientific paper. Label them (for example, Table 1…. Or Figure 1…) and cite them in the text. All of them will inform audience of the value of the work. It will convince public about the quality of the work done.


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Characteristics and feature of E.coli gastroenteritis

Characteristics and feature of E.coli gastroenteritis

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Gene expression lab report of experiment

Gene expression lab report of experiment. Gene expression lab report of experiment. he first three PDF files uploaded are extremely detailed and important, they are the requirements/guidelines given by my professor in how he wants the report and what’s required, the amount of words per section, what to put in each section, where to look up references, etc.
This lab report requires 6 sources for introduction, 2 of them I’m giving to you, they are the class book and lab manual. the other 4 have to be peer review and where to look up reference says where to look it up. Sources have to talk about topics like gene expression, plasmids especially the ones we used in lab(puc18 and lux), transformation efficiency, antibiotics, plasmids in wild, quorum sensing, gram negative and gram positive.
The lab manual also has the experiment we did in class read everything about lab manual very carefully, it talks about gene expression, our experiment, methods, some results in tables we got too which I included upladed as tables in a doc. Of course they have to be explained.
Every table/graph (read requiremnts in uploaded files), have to have summary underneath it so professor can understand what represents. Also include the plate pics uploaded.

Explanation of results should be in discussion section i thin k, but double check in quideline for writing uploaded.
You have to explain and mention why besides human error we could have gotten a higher transformation efficiency for lux when it should be puc18 higher like mentioned in lab manual. Also, explain why only the LB/AMP lux had bioluminescence. And anything else remeber  you have the sample paper as a guide for what needs to be discussed.
The sample paper I uploaded it’s from a team member, she’s missing stuff but so you can have an idea and guide of what the lab report should look like. Her results in table for transformation are not right she has to change it to the ones I gave you. DO NOT copy anything from her since professor checks for plagiarism.


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Gene expression lab report of experiment

Gene expression lab report of experiment

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