Critical thinking discussion.

Critical thinking discussion.. Critical thinking discussion.. Critical thinking discussion.


For this discussion, think of a way astroturfing, or deliberate bias, might influence or corrupt your future coursework, career, and/or personal life.


In your initial response, describe a possible scenario or a scenario that you have read or heard of that you believe is an example of astroturfing and describe what elements unique to your scenario make it astroturfing.


In response to at least two of your peers, do the following:

•   Review the examples your peers provided in their initial posts and discuss how you could detect and refute these kinds of deliberate bias, misdirection, or misinformation. How would you use critical thinking strategies, techniques, or counterarguments to accomplish this?

Then, discuss how the strategies, techniques, or arguments you mentioned could help you the future (in your future coursework, career, etc.).

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Critical thinking discussion.

Critical thinking discussion.

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Dark Matter Essay

Dark Matter Essay.


The Final Essay gives you the opportunity to research one of your favorite topics in modern astronomy. This can
be a mind-expanding experience if you put forth significant effort. You may pick from the following topics (most
of these hyperlinks are just basic information). You will need additional resources in putting together a solid
research paper. The YouTube videos and the hyperlinks located in the “Lectures” module in Canvas (the module
at the top), which consist of lectures delivered by esteemed cosmologists and astrophysicists, will also help you.
➢ Gravitational Waves (LIGO) LIGO stands for “Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory”. It is the world’s largest gravitational
wave observatory and a marvel of precision engineering. Comprising two enormous laser interferometers located 3000 kilometers apart, LIGO exploits the
physical properties of light and of space itself to detect and understand the origins of gravitational waves (GW).
➢ Gravitational Waves (LISA) LISA consists of three spacecraft that are separated by millions of miles and trailing tens of millions of miles,
more than one hundred times the distance to the Moon, behind the Earth as we orbit the Sun. These three spacecraft relay laser beams back and forth
between the different spacecraft and the signals are combined to search for gravitational wave signatures that come from distortions of spacetime.
➢ Fermi Gamma Ray Telescope … astronomers at long last have a superior tool to study how black holes, notorious for pulling matter
in, can accelerate jets of gas outward at fantastic speeds. Physicists will gain information to study subatomic particles at energies far greater than those
seen in ground-based particle accelerators. And cosmologists are gaining valuable information about the birth and early evolution of the Universe
➢ South Pole Telescope a 10-meter diameter telescope operating at the NSF South Pole research station. The telescope is designed for
conducting large-area millimeter and sub-millimeter wave surveys of faint, low contrast emission, as required to map primary and secondary anisotropies
in the cosmic microwave background.
➢ Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI)
➢ Search for Exoplanets: As of 6 June 2020, there are 4,164 confirmed planets in 3,085 systems, with 3,085 planetary systems having more than
one planet (5,220 candidates).
➢ Black Holes
➢ Gamma Ray Bursts
➢ Supernovae, of particular interest is a type used in measuring the Hubble rate → Type Ia
➢ Neutron Stars, Pulsars and Magnetars
➢ Dark Energy (not the same as dark matter)
➢ Dark Matter (you might consider doing both dark energy and dark matter)
➢ Fast Radio Bursts of Unknown Origin – collection of events archived here
➢ You may choose your own topic in Modern Astronomy. However, you must email me by 06/19 for
permission if you decide on a topic not listed above. For example, a topic not directly related to cosmology, but
of great interest to many (e.g. one of you in my summer 2020 class 😊) is the International Space Station.
• Title and Outline:
• Final Essay must have a title and your name.
• The body of the essay must consist of a minimum of four typed pages (double-spaced) and no more than six pages.
• You must include a bibliography (references), which does not count toward the four-page minimum.
• email completed essay to
• Do not plagiarize – I will paste the essays into a software program that uses the latest browser technology to search for
plagiarized phrases. If you insist on plagiarizing, you will be caught and you will receive a zero for the final essay grade
score (25% of your total grade).
See the next page for a suggested strategy. You are not required to follow this “rubric”, but it is highly recommended if you
wish to compose a very solid essay.
Here are some recommended guidelines:
➢ Discuss the importance of the topic, its background and history
➢ Outline the relevant mathematics to your topic
➢ Focus on the instruments used to make measurements, and their capabilities,
➢ Fully characterize the nature of the signals that are analyzed, and
➢ What those signals confirm or suggest – are there any “anomalies”? ….
A research paper also needs a bibliography. So, keep an updated reference page as you
proceed, which can be attached to the final version.

For a custom paper on the above or a related topic/instructions, place your order with us.

Why choose us:

• Affordable Rates – (15 – 30% Discount on all orders above $50)-
• 100% Free from Plagiarism 
• Masters & PhD. Level Writers
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• Guaranteed High-Quality Content

Dark Matter Essay

For a custom paper on the above or a related topic or instructions, place your order now!

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