business law case study

business law case study. business law case study. this case involves a series of complaints from men who sold auto parts in a retail setting and decades later are suffering from mesothelioma. they began their careers in the mid to late 1960’s. they worked for the xyz chain of auto stores in areas that were rural in the 1960’s and there were several tall power lines and towers over or near the stores. the duties of these men included selling parts to walk in customers, stocking the shelves, unloading shipments of parts, throwing the rusted old brakes and brake shoes into steel drums, which were then picked up by the MNO brake shoe and bad company. Throwing cores into steel drums or rolling the drums to back door caused a cloud of dust to rise up out of them. The men started to complain about problems with breathing and chest pain when they were in their 60’s. after nearly half the men working there were diagnosed with mesothelioma, they confronted both XYZ chain of stores and the MNO brake shoe company but both employers denied their working conditions had anything to do with it and refused to talk to anyone.
As a lawyer in discovery mode, who will you need to talk to? what do you need to investigate? if there are grounds for a case what type of lawsuit will you recommend filing (probably class action lawsuit)and what will be your complaints? what other obvious question from the circumstances above will you need to answer?


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business law case study

business law case study

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