Benefits of Chest X-Rays in Patient Care

Benefits of Chest X-Rays in Patient Care. Benefits of Chest X-Rays in Patient Care. ALL PAPERS MUST INCLUDE: 
2. ABSTRACT PAGE (including Ultramini Abstract) 
Title Page: 
● Manuscript Title: Provide a concise, informative title, with no unnecessary words 
● Author Name 
● Affiliation: Your institution 
● Author Information: Complete name, address, telephone number and e-mail address 
● Mentor 
● Article Word Count (exclusive of abstract and references) on the title page is required. 
● Hypothesis: Add a separate section with the testable hypothesis 
Abstract Page: 
The Abstract should be structured into four paragraphs not exceeding 250 words total. It must be written in complete sentences, using past tense, active verbs, and third person. Abbreviations should be avoided. No literature should be cited in this section. 
The abstract must include your testable hypothesis and how you tested it. 
● Hypothesis: describe the hypothesis of the study 
● Methods: identify the study design and statistical methods used 
● Results: describe the outcome of the study and the statistical significance, if appropriate 
● Conclusions: state the significance of the results 
● Word Count: provide a word count for the Abstract 
● Keywords: following the abstract, provide 3 to 10 keywords for indexing purposes 2
Ultramini Abstract (at the bottom of the Abstract Page): Maximum 50 words. Provide 1 to 3 sentences of no more than 50 words total, containing the essence of the paper. 
The Introduction should provide a clear statement of the problem, the relevant literature on the subject, and the proposed approach or solution. The introduction must: 
● Be well referenced 
● Begin with an impactful statement 
● Narrow to the focus of the paper 
Citations will be written in parenthesis in a consistent format throughout the paper. 
Should contain enough information to allow the study to be replicated, including: 
● Databases used 
● Search strategy 
● Search terms 
● Inclusion / exclusion criteria 
● Other relevant information 
The results should be presented with clarity and precision. Describe the study methods, controls (if any), numerical findings and statistical significance. If study authors did not provide statistical comparisons, this should be mentioned. Discussion, speculation and detailed interpretation of data should not be included in the Results. 
● Results should be explained in a manner that synthesizes data contained in multiple studies. In other words, papers are organized in a logical fashion and placed in proximity when they are similar in scope and/or method. 
● Any included Figures, Table or graphs should be explained in detail in the text, and cited appropriately in a Legend. Figures, Tables or graphs should be placed in proximity to said text. 
● If an Evidence Table was prepared, it should be attached as an Appendix at the end of the paper 
Authors should explain what the results mean and how the results relate to the hypothesis presented as the basis of the study. The discussion should interpret the findings and should include: 
● Explanation of the findings 
● Interpretation of the Results 
● Limitations 
● Future directions 
● Conclusion: State the conclusions in a few sentences at the end of the paper.
General – how to cite: ( 
Authors’ last names and initials (year) title of article. journal volume, pages. 
(list all authors for each reference, even when there are more than 6): 
Grabber G.M., Gupta N.C., Murray G.F. (1999) Positron emission tomographic imaging with fluorodeoxyglucose is efficacious in evaluating malignant pulmonary disease. J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. 117, 719-727. 
Figures and Tables: 
Examples: Figure 1.Write the figure’s title here. 
Table 1. Write the table’s title here. 
Effective Formatting: 
● Use upper- and lowercase type: It is much easier to read than all capital letters 
● Use a consistent typeface and size (i.e. Times New Roman, 12 point) 
● Double space your paper 
● Include page numbers


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Benefits of Chest X-Rays in Patient Care

Benefits of Chest X-Rays in Patient Care

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