Architectural Design Technology 'Compare two smart building in UK or Europe' Architectural Design Technology 'Compare two smart building in UK or Europe'

Architectural Design Technology 'Compare two smart building in UK or Europe' Architectural Design Technology 'Compare two smart building in UK or Europe'. Architectural Design Technology 'Compare two smart building in UK or Europe' Architectural Design Technology 'Compare two smart building in UK or Europe'.  

School of Architecture and the Built Environment


6AT005: Major Project Research


Report and Poster Briefing Sheet


  • Architectural Design Technology
  • Interior Architecture and Property Development


The report should be written so that someone having followed the same general programme of studies as you, up to degree level, could readily understand it. This implies that you cannot assume the reader will have specialist knowledge in the subject area of the project. The outcomes / conclusions of this research should assist you in your design project development.


Remember that this is a research report that is written in the style of a final year dissertation. Consequently this should form a valuable document for you to utilise during your design project.


The report should be written in good clear English, without spelling mistakes. Hence, it must be word-processed and a spell-checker used to prepare the report. This will also allow corrections to spelling, layout and content to be easily made.


As a guide, a typical 20-credit project report is normally around 30 pages including, for example, diagrams, plots, photographs and be approx. 5000 words in length.


1              Topic of the Report


The topic of your report is determined by the project proposal form and your specialist area of study (i.e. your course). Following the submission and approval of the project proposal, you will be allocated to an academic supervisor with the department. You should then meet with your supervisor regularly and discuss the topic and contents of the report in more detail to ensure you are covering suitable content in adequate detail. You should make use of the SAMS system to book appointments, further details of how to use this are available on the WOLF topic.


2              Format of the report


The report must be word processed and bound with a plastic spiral, or comb binder. The report must be word processed on one side of unlined A4 paper, in portrait layout, with double spacing and at least a 25 mm margin on the left-hand side of each sheet to allow for binding.

(Note: Do not put the pages into separate plastic sleeves).


Pages must be clearly numbered and all sections indexed. Diagrams and graphs may be plotted, printed, or hand-drawn and black ink is preferred.


All figures (e.g. graphs, photographs, drawings) should have a figure number and a caption, and should be specifically referred to in the text. Figures not mentioned in the text should not be included. The same applies to tables.


When presenting the written report, you should also review the use of headings and sub-headings: Headings may be used to give an indication of the relative importance of sections or paragraphs, usually in the following order:







Sub heading: Lower case bold

Sub-sub heading: Lower case plain text, or lower case bold, italic.


Spacing: Select spacing between:

  • title and first heading
  • headings and first paragraph
  • each paragraph
  • end of section and next heading.


Decide whether:

  • first lines of paragraph are indented
  • pages are to be justified or not.



3              Marking Criteria

The report and poster will be marked together and judged against the general criteria set out below. The technical content of the report will underpin each of these outline marking criteria.


Report (85% Total)

Student initiative 10%

Some questions to think about…

Has the student identified the most up to date information?

Is there a good mix of data sources?

Is the report overly reliant on the Internet for source information?

Have professional and trade bodies been sourced?

Literature/technical review 35%

Some questions to think about…

Has the student fully analysed the information collected?

Is the review comprehensive and concise?

Is the review written critically?

Is there a good range of data sources in the review?

Conclusions/recommendations 20%

Some questions to think about…

Are the conclusions well set out and easy to follow?

Do the conclusions draw inferences from the reviewed work?

Are the recommendations sound?

Are the recommendations appropriate to the building/design types identified?

Could the recommendations be applied to a design?

Rational/Structure/Presentation 10%

Some questions to think about…

Is the report well set out?

Is the structure coherent?

Is the research relevant?

Are there any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes?

References/Bibliography 10%

Some questions to think about…

Has the Harvard system of reference been correctly applied?

Are the references appropriate and fit for purpose?


Poster (15% total)

Does the poster provide a good synopsis of the literature reviewed in the report? (5%)

Is the information clearly presented? (5%)

Does the poster present clear conclusions from the research? (5%)

4              Structure of the Report


You should submit 2 copies of your written report and a digital copy of the report in *.doc, *.docx or *.pdf format.


You should also refer to the lecture slides for report structures.


The title page of the report should include the following information:

  • Title of the report
  • Your Name!!!!
  • Your Student Number
  • Your course
  • Supervisor’s name
  • Date and Year of submission
  • University Name
  • School (School of Technology)


The second page should also include the statement “Presented in partial fulfilment of the assessment requirements for the above award”.


The following two statements should also be reproduced on the second page:


  • “This work or any part thereof has not previously been presented in any form to the University, or to any other institutional body whether for assessment or other purposes. Save for any express acknowledgements, references and / or bibliographies cited in the work, I confirm that the intellectual content of the work is a result of my own efforts and no other person”.


The following paragraph is also to be included if appropriate:

“The work includes the following material that has been submitted for assessment / credit previously: (STUDENT TO LIST MATERIAL HERE). My project supervisor has expressly agreed that it is appropriate to include the above listed material in the work.”


  • “It is acknowledged that the author of any project work shall own the copyright. However, by submitting such copyright work for assessment, the author grants to the University a perpetual royalty-free licence to do all or any of those things referred to in section 16(i) of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. That is, to copy the work; to issue copies to the public; to perform or show or play the work in public; to broadcast the work or to make an adaptation of the work”.


A brief abstract, succinctly summarising the report (one page max.) should follow the above.


An example outline of report contents can be found at the end of this document and should be used as a guide, however, you should discuss and confirm the content and structure of chapters with your supervisor.



5              Presentation Poster

You are required to produce an A1 size poster that provides a synopsis of your research detailed in the report. The poster will form part of the End of Year Exhibition to demonstrate how the research undertaken is linked to the final design developed as part of Module 6AT015: Major Project Design and Exhibition.


The poster should demonstrate your design skills and highlight the key aspects of the research in addition to detailing which discoveries you will be taking forward into your final design. A seminar session on poster design and presentation will be held during the latter stages of the module.


6              The Role of the Supervisor


You will be allocated a supervisor for this module and the design project module by the module leaders based on your topic choice. Student (supervisor) preference will be considered where possible but no ‘guarantee’ that you will be assigned the supervisor of your own choice can be given.


Your supervisor will act as your mentor throughout the project, however it is your responsibility to maintain contact and arrange meetings with your supervisor. Remember this is your project and it is your responsibility to manage this project!


7              Appendices and References


Anything that would interrupt the main flow of your project planning report should be included in the appendices. It might be detailed information but resist the temptation to include too many manufacturers’ catalogues and sales brochures unless they are essential.


The Harvard referencing system must be used in your report. Information on correctly using the Harvard referencing techniques can be found via the Learning Centre web page or by clicking the following link


8              Submission Date


The hand in date for this report and Poster is Wednesday 20th January 2016


2 bound copies of the report should be submitted to the MI Student registry for the attention of Dr. David Heesom. In addition, a CD containing a digital copy of your work should also be submitted. The digital copy of the report report should be included in either Microsoft Word (*.doc or *.docx) or Adobe pdf (*.pdf) file format. The poster should be printed in A1 format to a high (presentation) standard. This hard copy of the poster should be submitted as above.






























Example of the report layout


  1. Title page
  2. Abstract
  • Remember this is not an introduction to the report. The abstract is a synopsis (or an overview) of what the entire report contains. It should be written last!!!
  1. Acknowledgements
  2. Table of contents
  3. Table of figures
  4. Table of tables
  5. Chapters of the report


Chapters of the report should be agreed with your individual supervisors and due attention should be paid to the marking criteria. However Chapter 1 should always be the introduction to the report and the topic and so should include the following as an example:


  1. General Introduction to the topic
  2. Aims and objectives of the report
  3. Justification for the report
  4. Organisation of the document being presented


  1. Conclusion and Recommendations- State you will use your findings and research to inform and mould your design in the module 6AT015: Major Project Design and Exhibition. What theories, technologies and concepts will you experiment with in your design? How will you attempt to push the boundaries and do something innovative?
  2. References- directly quoted in the report.
    They should be arranged alphabetically by the author’s name (See notes on WOLF on referencing using the Harvard referencing system)
  3. Bibliography- references to any books, journals, etc. which were used for background reading but were not directly quoted or used in the text. Harvard Referencing
  4. Appendices- additional details, tables, graphs, detailed analysis. These must be numbered and cross referenced in the text






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