The act of criticism not only involves researching the project under review, its genesis, form and function, but also researching the broader context in which it sits and creatively connecting it to its milieu. Thus architectural criticism is a major form of research, and when aired in public forums such as design journals or mass media can be a potent form of dissemination, questioning, and influence. In this assignment you are to prepare an architectural critique or review of approximately 1500 words (absolute maximum 2000) of your design work to date. The review may be of another students’ project provided you seek the consent of that student AND the course coordinator. The review must be critical, and insightful, contextualised spatially, socially and historically. It should be a readable piece of journalism i.e. it must have an argument or opinion, rather than just normative description of the scheme.
In addition to rigorously edited text (no typos, no grammatical errors, etc.), you are to design the journal/magazine spread as a proof for publication, including images, captions, headings and copy using desktop publishing software such as Adobe InDesign. In this way you will develop your skills at combining text and image in a sophisticated narrative. (You may employ the services of a professional editor to assist you in refining the writing, as this is an insight in itself.) You may also prepare your review as a model for a webpage journal or blog, on approval from the course coordinator, however it must also be submitted as hard copy.
Your review should be prepared with a specific type of publication in mind, so part of the assignment is to examine existing media outlets for architectural criticism, identify the characteristics of their journalism and graphic design, and tailor your piece to suit. You may propose a different model for criticism, based on a well articulated argument of what the aims might be for a new type of publication/forum.9

My design work summary:
Location: Hong kong, kwun tong
Project aim: resolve limited hong kong affordable public housing problem + increasing living qualities
Building system: modular block + Stacking architecture
Interior architecture design system: Primitive future theory by Sou Fujimoto Architects


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