Application of Non-Arrhenius Method for Analyzing the Decomposition Kinetics of SrCO3, and BaCO3. Application of Non-Arrhenius Method for Analyzing the Decomposition Kinetics of SrCO3, and BaCO3. INSTRUCTIONS NOT FOLLOWED: writing aspects:
1-select three main technical points then use them as subheadings to organize the critique paper.
2- the conclusion must be redone and the reactions is very important to be cause it should have specific items
3- do you agree or disagree with any of all the figures
OTHER: I need you to focus in the draw that the professor made and answer the questions
1- Does product cases allow diffusion Co2 as result of SrCo3 —— Sro+co2
2- which access at the interface
3- what proof do the authors have that co2 escaped
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Application of Non-Arrhenius Method for Analyzing the Decomposition Kinetics of SrCO3, and BaCO3
Application of Non-Arrhenius Method for Analyzing the Decomposition Kinetics of SrCO3, and BaCO3