Analytical Framework. Analytical Framework. This course is about Lean Work Design. We shall employ the same principles as our Six Sigma friends employ, “dmaic,” but we will expand this definition and apply this definition from a “time” viewpoint to the work place. Our definition shall be:
R – Recognize an opportunity
D – Define the strategic implications of this opportunity
d – define the value stream with respect to Purpose, Viewpoint, and Context
m – measure the current work output using accepted principles and practices
a – analyze the opportunity and determine an improved Work Design approach
i – improve the opportunity by actually making the change happen
c – control the change in order to insure it will be performed consistently after you depart
S – Standardize the change throughout the value stream
I – Integrate the thinking that went into this change into other opportunities related to this
Essentially, you are going to re-engineer a process by applying the tools from this course. Thus, your project will follow an expanded definition process of “RDdmaicSI.” Your project will address a fundamental opportunity that you have identified and will follow the RDdmaicSI process for the streamlining of the process and the Work Design redefinition of the process. The project may relate to your place of employment, or a company or community organization near you, and it can relate to any kind of product or service — it is really only limited by your imagination and ability to execute your plan in a short time frame. It is expected that you will form a team with other members coming from the customer organization, and that you will be the only student member on the team from this course (no household projects allowed; you must have a customer from a sponsoring organization of your choice).
D1 – Due Week 2: a one page formal summary of the team members, the team name, the process being streamlined, and the P – V – C. 50 points.
D2 – Due Week 5: a formal Value Stream Map with Red Flags identified for the process being streamlined. 50 points.
By the end of Week 6, submit (follow the Submit Assignments link) three proposed alternative dates and times (AZ time) to present your final project during Week 8 (evenings and the weekend of Week 7 are okay). Your presentation will be performed using WebEx, and your instructor will provide the WebEx meeting links (you do not need to have a WebEx account).
D3 – Due Week 8: a formal project presentation of eight minutes will be given.
Grading for the presentation will be based upon a 100 point scale. This shall be broken into the following categories:
R – D = 10 points;
d – m = 15 points each;
a – i = 15 points each;
c – S – I = 5 points total;
style of presentation = 25 points.
the first upload is the whole project the second upload is what need to be done for this particular assignment
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