An investigation into Dubai's journey to becoming a luxurious destination

An investigation into Dubai's journey to becoming a luxurious destination. An investigation into Dubai's journey to becoming a luxurious destination. Everything is addressed in the Additional Material Section.

1. Background problem file: you will understand what the paper is about and how to write the paper.

2. Structure of the report: this is a guideline on how to shape up the paper.

3. interview and questionnaire: refer the interview into the paper & regarding the questionnaire, you don’t need to address 30 respondents into the appendix section, just fake answers and include ranges and numerical for example: out of 30 respondents 20 of them were couples and the factors allowed them to stay in Dubai is hospitality factors like ….

in addition to that conduct two more fake interviews one with hotel sector and the other with Dubai Mall also refer them to the paper but include the interviews in the Appendix part.

Sources: Only use e-books & e-journal articles. No other sources!


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An investigation into Dubai's journey to becoming a luxurious destination

An investigation into Dubai's journey to becoming a luxurious destination

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