African-American culture

African-American culture. African-American culture.


involves a short paper written using expository writing structure with the use of APA format/style. The paper is to be two (2) pages of text (not including the cover page and the reference page) ~ papers shorter than 1¾ pages OR longer than 2½ pages will have 5 points automatically deducted. APA format includes the use of a 12-point font size and typeface of Times New Roman. In addition, uniform margins include the use of 1 inch (2.54 cm) on all sides of the paper. This assignment also involves the utilization of professional language (using third person voice) in addition to correct spelling and grammar.

Students must individually identify and read a minimum of three sources for this assignment. Sources are to be cited appropriately in the text of the paper as well as listed alphabetically on the reference page. One of the sources is the chapter in the Purnell and Paulanka book associated with the assigned culture. The two other resources must be from relevant articles, books, or book chapters. Sources not considered appropriate for this paper include Wikipedia or academic papers previously written by the student that may be associated with the selected topic.

the African-American culture.

***For the culture selected, your paper is to discuss the following aspects about the assigned culture:
• Discuss the definition of health that is often used within the selected culture
• Describe a traditional health practice and behavior which may be used in the selected culture
• Explain how a nurse could use preservation or accommodation for the described health practice or behavior in order to provide culturally congruent care for a person who ascribes to that health practice or behavior.

Expository Writing:
1. Expository writing is a subject-oriented writing style, in which the main focus of the author is to tell you about a given topic or subject. The author provides relevant facts and figures and does not include his/her opinions. This is one of the most common type of writing styles, which you always see in text books and usually “How – to” articles, in which the author tells you about a given subject, as how to do something.
2. Key Points:
o Expository writing usually explains something in a process
o Expository writing is often equipped with facts and figures
o Expository writing is generally in a logical order and sequence
3. Definition of Expository Writing:
o Expository writing is designed to explain, describe, inform, or share information with the reader via thoughtful analysis of an issue or situation (this format is commonly used in professional work environments). The emphasis in expository writing is on logical progression of thought, organization, and clarity. The structure of the expository essay/paper is held together by the following: a clear, concise, and defined thesis statement (controlling main idea) in the first paragraph of the written work. Every subsequent paragraph of the work should support the thesis statement. The four to five paragraph approach may also be used in expository writing with the following modifications: 1) introduction with background information and thesis statement, 2) two to three supporting paragraphs ∼ each with its’ own point and supporting information which ultimately supports the thesis statement, 3) conclusion or summary paragraph.
4. Expository writing involves the use of third person voice. The writing voice must be consistent throughout the text of this paper.
5. It will be necessary to refer to the sixth edition and second text revision of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010) when writing the paper.
6. students can access the OWL (online writing lab) website maintained by Purdue University. OWL is a resource for direction regarding APA formatting and style guidance.

*** Please, Follow the instruction.
*** The Book information and the chapter(3) will uploaded. the other two sources, you find an article or book and if the article have DOI, please provide it when you cite the article.
*** be sure it is a two full pages.


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African-American culture

African-American culture

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