Adolescent sexual offenders–child sexual abuse victim to offender cycle: the risk and protective factors for the cycle

Adolescent sexual offenders–child sexual abuse victim to offender cycle: the risk and protective factors for the cycle. Adolescent sexual offenders–child sexual abuse victim to offender cycle: the risk and protective factors for the cycle. At the beginning, please talk about the victim to offender cycle and using researches and data results to explain why the cycle has been formed. 
Place the cycle in the setting of adolescent sexual offenders and use researches and data results to show that the issue not only has been appeared in the adult but also adolescent age group.
Based on different researches and data results, talk about possible risk factors that lead some child sexual abused victims to become adolescent sexual offenders.
Then, also use researches and data to talk about possible protective factors that why some child victims did not turned out as adolescent sexual offenders. 
Please talk about the influence of treatment and on what level that the treatment can become a protective factor.
Please do not heavily dependent on wikipedia.


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Adolescent sexual offenders–child sexual abuse victim to offender cycle: the risk and protective factors for the cycle

Adolescent sexual offenders–child sexual abuse victim to offender cycle: the risk and protective factors for the cycle

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