48Hrs 1982 film. 48Hrs 1982 film. film:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYy7FN9lXkc
Film Response Paper Instructions:
1. Have a clear thesis (Please underline it) that is on par with the course content (Chose one film screened in class or online and critically discuss how Race, Class, Gender, and or Emotions is shown in the film)
2. Use a minimum of 3 examples from the film to support your thesis
3. Remember to Cite (This is only If references are used, they must be cited and a bibliography should be included.)
4. Include your personal reflection to the film (where appropriate)
5. Be2pages (Please note: The title page and the bibliography are not
included in your page count (at least 2 pages).
6. All assignments must be submitted by the due date (check Moodle for deadlines).
7. Assignments should be typed in 12-point font, double spaced, and 1-1.25 inch margins.
8. Title Page: Your name, the date due, title, and course title should be centered on a separate page.
9. Page numbers should be in the lower right hand corner.
10. You may use paper prompts posted to Moodle.
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