19th Century Work. 19th Century Work. Research paper: You will be responsible for writing one (7-8 page) essay. You may write about one of the texts or topics discussed in class or select any other 19th century work that can be related to the theme of the course. This may be a revision and expansion of one of your shorter papers, and should have a research component that is, you are expected to consult other relevant books or articles that you refer to in the body of your paper and list in a bibliography.
it must include at least 3 secondary sources: articles + book. Do a research on the Comparative Literature subject guide. For formatting, citations, bibliography refer to https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/
Do not write about Bald Soprano, I have just placed an order to write a different paper about that.
The book we mostly used in class is “The Longman Anthology World Literature” Volume F “The Twentieth Century.Research paper: You will be responsible for writing one (7-8 page) essay. You may write about one of the texts or topics discussed in class or select any other 19th century work that can be related to the theme of the course. This may be a revision and expansion of one of your shorter papers, and should have a research component that is, you are expected to consult other relevant books or articles that you refer to in the body of your paper and list in a bibliography.
it must include at least 3 secondary sources: articles + book. Do a research on the Comparative Literature subject guide. For formatting, citations, bibliography refer to https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/
Do not write about Bald Soprano, I have just placed an order to write a different paper about that.
The book we mostly used in class is “The Longman Anthology World Literature” Volume F “The Twentieth Century.Research paper: You will be responsible for writing one (7-8 page) essay. You may write about one of the texts or topics discussed in class or select any other 19th century work that can be related to the theme of the course. This may be a revision and expansion of one of your shorter papers, and should have a research component that is, you are expected to consult other relevant books or articles that you refer to in the body of your paper and list in a bibliography.
it must include at least 3 secondary sources: articles + book. Do a research on the Comparative Literature subject guide. For formatting, citations, bibliography refer to https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/
The book we mostly used in class is “The Longman Anthology World Literature” Volume F “The Twentieth Century.
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